Scott Neilsen

Associate Professor
School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies & Department of Archaeology
Dr. Scott Neilsen’s research interests at this time are connected to his supervision of graduate students, and relationships he has with various heritage stakeholders in Labrador and Newfoundland. This includes research related to Innu, Inuit and Mi’Kmaq archaeological history, Indigenous and co-management of cultural and natural resources, the decolonization of archaeology and academia, repatriation, critical theory, contemporary archaeology, digital archaeology, and cultural resources management policies and practices.
These interests and Scott’s experiences living and learning in Labrador, where he practices applied archaeology in cooperation with local communities (e.g. Sheshatshiu Archaeology Project) and organizations (e.g Birch Island Archaeological Project), have led him to set up the Laboratory for Applied Archaeological Research and Community Heritage, otherwise known as LARCH. This interdisciplinary lab is dedicated to supporting individuals, communities, not-for-profit organizations, and local governments with research related to archaeological history, community heritage, and tangible and intangible cultural resources. It is supported by Memorial’s new School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies, graduate and undergraduate students, community researchers, and in-formal and formal project-specific partnerships.