Available services and resources

Click on the section headings below to learn more about the available services and resources, and associated fees, to support community farm-based research at the Pye Centre.

To request available services and resources to support your community farm-based research project, please download, fill out, and submit a Services and Resources Request Form to pyecentre@mun.ca

The Pye Centre offers a variety of services to support all community farm-based research activities on or with the Farm (Table 1).

In addition to general field preparation and maintenance, trained Pye Centre staff are available to operate equipment and/or provide equipment training, receive and organize bulk supply shipments, help with any planting, monitoring, irrigating, and harvesting needs, and assist with data collection or operation of data collection equipment.

Anyone interested in accessing the services listed below to support their research project must download and submit a Services and Resources Request Form to pyecentre@mun.ca

All services are provided on an hourly basis. See our Summary of Fees (Table 3, below) for details on rates.

Table 1. Available services to support community farm-based research at the Pye Centre.
ServiceDetails / Notes
Equipment operation Operation of farm equipment requiring specific insurance and/or training
Operations and supplies Direct support receiving supplies; field preparation and maintenance; planting, irrigating, and harvesting crops
Research support and monitoring Assistance collecting data or operating data collection equipment
Research reporting and sharing Support for planning and developing research reports and sharing activities

More information on the services listed above is available upon request. For any research support services needed beyond that included in this list, please contact the Pye Centre: pyecentre@mun.ca

Download a Services and Resources Request Form.


Anyone working on a community farm-based research project at the Pye Centre will have access to the resources listed below (Table 2), at no extra cost.

Arrangements to use these resources can be made through the Pye Centre by filling out a Services and Resources Request Form.

Table 2. Available resources to support community farm-based research at the Pye Centre
ResourceDetails / Notes
Small tool storage 40-foot metal sea container; located near the Root Seller building; limited space
Storage for fertilizer, seeds, and other inputs 40-foot metal sea container; located near the strawberry patch and irrigation pond; limited space
Processing space Root Seller building (40ft x 30ft), with benches and a small amount of space for processing
Irrigation pond Groundwater pond available for irrigation; located south of the Research Plots
Irrigation / fertilizer pump Honda
Washroom facilities Located in the Root Seller building

More information on the resources listed above is available upon request. For any resources needed beyond those included in this list, please contact the Pye Centre: pyecentre@mun.ca.

Download a Services and Resources Request Form.


Certain services and resources offered by the Pye Centre have associated fees, outlined in Table 3 below.

Table 3. Summary of fees for available services and resources offered by the Pye Centre to support community farm-based research.
Service or ResourceDescriptionFeesNotes
Land Annual use of the Pye Centre’s designated research plots for community farm-based projects. $2,000 per half-acre (or $1.00 per square metre)* Research projects that allow for the harvest of crops that can be sold at the Pye Centre’s community market (e.g. variety trials and amendment studies) may qualify for lower fees upon consultation with the Pye Centre.
Operations and supplies Direct support provided by Pye Centre staff to assist with field preparation and maintenance; receiving and organizing bulk supply shipments; help with any planting, monitoring, irrigating, and harvesting needs. $50/hour By special arrangement, projects that require more intensive and/or regular support – such as a half-day per week or more – may qualify for lower rates.
Research support and monitoring Services offered by trained Pye Centre staff to assist with data collection and/or operation of data collection equipment. $50/hour By special arrangement, projects that require more intensive and/or regular support – such as a half-day per week or more – may qualify for lower rates.
Additional resources Additional resources are available to support research at the Pye Centre, including storage, irrigation, and processing space. Included in our land use fees Please contact us at pyecentre@mun.ca to discuss needs for additional resources.
Accommodations The Pye Centre is pleased to offer accommodations for Memorial students, faculty, staff, and affiliates at our Farmhouse Research and Education Hub. Consideration will be given to non-Memorial applicants depending on availability and purpose. Student and non-student rates are available. Please visit our Accommodations page for more information. Please visit our Accommodations page for more information and to access an application form.

*Note that if this land use fee is a barrier, please contact the Pye Centre to discuss alternative arrangements: pyecentre@mun.ca

For inquiries about rental rates for farm equipment, please contact Jamie Jackman: jamie.jackman@mun.ca