ISER Conference Grant

The Institute of Social and Economic Research offers conference grants to members of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Memorial University (up to $5,000.00) in support of organizing and hosting scholarly conferences that fall within the Institute’s mandate. Applications must be for conferences that are planned to take place no earlier than May 1 of the competition year.

ISER defines a Memorial HSS applicant as “full-time and retired tenured and tenure-stream faculty members from Memorial’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS); postdoctoral fellows who hold an appointment with an HSS unit; instructors who currently hold a contractual or a per course appointment with HSS; students currently enrolled in HSS programs seeking funding for projects to be completed for these programs; staff working within HSS units; and faculty who are adjuncts or are cross- or joint-appointed to HSS units.”

Deadline Date: The deadline date is March 1 and such applications will be adjudicated by the Awards Panel prior to consideration by the ISER Executive Committee. This fund cannot be used for applicant travel to conferences - it is for conference hosting only.

This application must be completed by the person organizing the conference or a person delegated by the conference’s organizing committee.

Conference Support

Conference organizers are encouraged to also seek other sources of funding.

To apply for a conference grant:

  • Fill in the Applicant section on the Letter of Appraisal for Conference Grant form and then email it to the referee. Completed letters are sent directly by referees to Note: letters of appraisal are not required for tenure-stream and tenured faculty. The link to the Letter of Appraisal form can be found here:ISER Conference Grant Letter of Appraisal