Funding Opportunities

ISER is housed within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Memorial University. The Institute awards research and conference grants, and a student essay prize, to members of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Memorial University through an annual funding competition.
Note: Several changes in eligibility criteria and funding categories for ISER were instituted in fall, 2024 due to budget restrictions. There are no longer ISER fellowship competitions and funding is now available solely to members of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Applications are due by March 1 for the following categories:
ISER Research Grant
ISER Conference Grant
ISER Student Essay Prize
(Please note: all application materials require the most recent Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
Research Grant
These grants are available to students, faculty members, and staff affiliated with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences to help defray the costs of research projects that fall within ISER's mandate. Visit page.
ISER Conference Grant
These grants are available to support scholarly conferences organized by members of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences that fall within the Institute’s mandate. Visit page.
ISER Student Essay Prize
The competition is open to graduate and honours students registered in HSS programs for an essay on any topic which falls within ISER's mandate. Visit page.