The Battery - Fishing

The Battery is a network of old fishing premises and dwellings that were originally established to participate in the fishery. This cluster of buildings was built on shoreline rocks so that families could have quick access to the water, fishing grounds and places to process their catch. Today, due to the moratorium on cod fishing and inevitable changes over time, very little fishing goes on from The Battery. However, there are still a few residents who continue to practice this tradition.

Charlie Pearcey's Twine Store, exterior dock

Jack Wells is a local fisherman who carries knowledge about fishing and fish preparation. Here he can be seen preparing fish for salting with his grandson Sean. Fishery knowledge can also be handed down through stories and memories of fishing, as told by people like Jack Wells and Charlie Pearcey.

Jack Wells - Fish drying on flakes in sunlight

Charlie Pearcey (at time of interview) standing among his family’s artifacts in the twine shop

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