Past Themes

2014-2020 Research Clusters

The North Atlantic in Global Perspective

This research cluster, supported by the mandate of ISER books, is rooted in our current multi-disciplinary research strength in Newfoundland and Labrador Studies, a research theme that will continue, but with a broadened lens to encompass new connections and interactions in the North Atlantic region. This research cluster will also include our growing research interest in oceans, and how they shape our lives.

Governance, Ethics, Rights and Security

Humanities and Social Sciences research must be able to address the political, economic and legal changes occurring in the world today and focus on issues often not dealt with in the dominant media, such as increasing inequality, racism, and social injustice. What is ethical and fair governance and what are the circumstances or mechanisms that prevent it? What should be done when human rights and security or sustainability collide? Whither democracy in the 21st century?

Text, Language and Cultural Identity

The written and spoken word reflects human innovation, creativity and identity, often embracing issues of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, class, age and religious affiliation. This research cluster includes research-creation activities such as creative writing; translation work; text interpretation; capturing (endangered) oral languages into a written form; first and second language acquisition; the social and political use of language and texts; and heritage and identity research. This research, strengthened by our Humanities and Social Sciences archives, helps to locate who we have been, who we are, and what we might be in the future.

Sustainable Communities

Past, Present and Future: This cluster encompasses the diversity of issues shaping communities today, including immigration, displacement, aging, gender, well-being, and economic development, and retains a broad focus on the many settings that help to define communities – rural, urban, coastal, national and international. It raises questions as to the sustainability and dynamics of place, and the impact of global changes on demography, the environment and the workplace. What are the key threats to community and how are viable communities to be maintained or created today?

Upcoming Deadlines

March 27, 2025 at 5:00 PM

April 1, 2025 at 12:00 PM

April 15, 2025

April 16, 2025 at 5:00 PM

April 16, 2025 at 5:00 PM