Submitting Proposals

If you are a Principal Applicant or Co-Applicant on a research grant application or agreement (whether for an internal or external competition), the application package requires Memorial review and approval prior to submitting to the granting agency. Submitting a proposal may involve any combination of the steps listed below and typically involves obtaining approvals from your department, the Dean's Office, and at the institution-level unit, Research Initiatives and Services (RIS). A detailed step-by-step guide can be found in the How do I...? section. Exceptions exist; it's always wise to contact an HSS Grants Facilitation Officer (GFO) well in advance of the internal deadline to map out what is needed and to be informed of the assistance HSS provides. Internal deadlines are listed in HSS's Research Funding Tracker. 

Getting Assistance

If you have a specific project and funding program in mind, you can meet with a GFO to begin planning how best to align the project to the funding program. If you're unsure which funding program best fits your project, they can assist in matching it to a program. They can also meet to strategize about funding your research career goals, map out a schedule of proposal submissions that fits with teaching and other commitments, identify internal sources of cash and in-kind contributions, build your research CV, etc. Or, feel free to contact the GFOs if you have specific questions about deadlines, submission procedures, using the Memorial Researcher Portal (RP), funding agency guidelines, etc. GFOs are available to meet with you at any stage of planning and execution of your research program, project, and funding goals. 

If requested, HSS GFOs can provide Advanced Draft Feedback (ADF) on a draft of your application (in whole or on a few sections only) for any funding opportunity. This review is optional. More details on ADF can be found in our FAQs. ADF is provided well in advance of competition deadlines in order to make it feasible for prospective applicants to review the ADF feedback prior to submitting their proposals for the mandatory, internal HSS deadline. ADF 'aim-for-dates' are typically 2 months ahead of the HSS internal deadline, but may be further ahead for larger grant programs. 

Note that HSS has prepared Budget Help Documents to assist researchers in developing budgets and Guides for assistance with other aspects of research grant application sections. 

Preparing Required Documents

For some proposals, other supporting documents are required by either the sponsor or by Memorial and the HSS Dean's Office's files. These must be included in the application package that is submitted to HSS for its internal deadline. Below are examples of various types of supporting documents.

Some applications must or can include letters of engagement, letters of support, consent letters (for example, from community groups or Indigenous governing bodies), etc. In some cases, other Memorial units need to provide letters as well. If a letter of support must be provided from Memorial at the institution-level, typically this letter would be signed by the Office of the Vice-President (Research). These letters are prepared by the GFOs and submitted to the OVPR using the Guidelines for Institutional Letters of Support, in coordination with the applicant and other Memorial offices.

To list confirmed in-kind and/or cash contributions in a grant application, back-up documentation (email, letter of support, etc.) from a person with signing authority over the contribution, must be secured prior to the HSS internal deadline. Documenting contributions (often also called commitments) from Memorial collaborators and units, external partners (these might be noted in an external Letter of Support), external colleagues, and other funding sources, can be one of the most complex aspects of putting together a funding proposal. A GFO can assist in identifying and securing Memorial contributions and ensuring the back-up documentation is complete and accurate. 

See a more detailed overview of how to secure contributions in the How do I...? section and consult the Cash & In-Kind Commitments document. To obtain confirmation of certain Memorial contributions, you may be required to complete a Request Form.

All research involving or impacting Indigenous peoples, lands, cultures, or where Indigeneity is a variable of inquiry, must adhere to Memorial's Research Impacting Indigenous Groups (RIIG) policy.

If your project includes Indigenous research, documentation from the Indigenous group(s) confirming "Evidence of Community Engagement (ECE)" or "Agreement in Principle (AIP)" at the "Concept Development Phase" is required and must be secured and on file with the HSS Dean's Office prior to submission of your funding proposal, agreement, or grant application. If you have questions, please direct them to the Indigenous Research Office (IRO) at You can also contact a GFO for guidance. For additional information, see the links under Indigenous Research.

At the time of submission of the grant application, some sponsors may require evidence of application for, or holding of, a research permit or clearance or another kind of permit. For additional information, see the links under Ethics and Clearances.

Submitting for Review & Approvals

Most grants and agreements/contracts require three (3) levels of approval before they can be submitted to the external agency: departmental, faculty, and institutional. Approvals are most often collected through Memorial’s ROMEO Researcher Portal (RP). Be aware that you must upload a complete application, in addition to all supporting documents, to the RP and press "Submit" by the "Internal (HSS)" deadline. See the "How do I...?" section for a detailed list of steps.

Once you submit in the RP, your Department Head reviews and approves the RP file; then a GFO, in conjunction with the Associate Dean (Research), reviews. If revisions are required, they will contact you via email. Once the ADR approves the RP file, it is then routed to RIS who performs the final compliance review and approves the file and/or submits the application to the agency.

Note that there are exceptions to this process for some grant programs  – see the specific submission process details in the entry for your funding program in HSS’s Research Funding Tracker.

The internal review process is slightly different for research agreements where the set text must be negotiated prior to signature and submission of an RP file. At no point should a Memorial researcher sign an agreement on behalf of Memorial University. Only designated officers of the University are permitted to sign agreements and contracts, and they must review prior to their doing so. See a detailed list of the steps in the "How do I...?" section.

Upcoming Deadlines

March 27, 2025 at 5:00 PM

April 1, 2025 at 12:00 PM

April 15, 2025

April 16, 2025 at 5:00 PM

April 16, 2025 at 5:00 PM