Undergraduate Student Research Award

2025-26 Competition

Deadline for submission to the Office of the Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences (by email to HSSResearchGrants@mun.ca, or in hard copy to Room AA5015): March 3, 2025, 5 p.m.

For full submission deadlines see the Research Funding Tracker at https://www.hss.mun.ca/funding/competitions/3264 

Undergraduate Students who meet the eligibility requirements and are interested in carrying out a 14-16 week (35 hours per week) research/development work term, under the supervision of a faculty member, are invited to submit an application to the 2025-26 Tri-Agency Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program at Memorial.

The program has be expanded slightly in the past number of years, however the majority of applicants should have projects that fall within the mandate of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council in order to be eligible (for more information on NSERC, see https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/NSERC-CRSNG/Index_eng.asp). If you're unsure whether your project is eligible, please consult the guide at https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/NSERC-CRSNG/Eligibility-Admissibilite/students-etudiants_eng.asp.

In addition, for self-identifying Black students, there are additional opportunities for CIHR and SSHRC projects, as well as new for the 2025-26 competition, some further allocations for Black students applying to NSERC. Student applicants self-identifying as Indigenous are advised to seek funding through NSERC projects.

Although projects can be supervised by faculty members in these disciplines as appropriate, and students may be completing programs in any discipline, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science will only support and review projects where the applicant seeks to work with Humanities and Social Sciences faculty members. Students interested in working with faculty members in other faculties or units should inquire with those units, regardless of the student's own degree program (IE students completing a BA in Pscyhology and wishing to work with faculty in psychology, should apply through the Faculty of Science).

Only one application per student is permitted: students applying for USRA may only apply through one academic unit at Memorial. Applicants can also apply directly to competitions at other Canadian Universities; however only one USRA will be awarded per student. Awarded USRA funds can be used on projects occurring in the following semesters: Summer 2025, Fall 2025 or Winter 2026.

For full program details, see https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/UG-PC/USRA-BRPC_eng.asp.

For further information or queries contact Matthew Milner at HSSResearchGrants@mun.ca.

Student Eligibility
  • Students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada
  • USRA recipients must be registered in a bachelors degree program
  • Award employment must be done in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (St. John's campus)
  • Applicants with Indigenous status will be automatically granted a USRA award given they meet the minimum program requirements
  • You must have a cumulative average of at least second class (a grade of "B" or "B-,") as defined by Memorial
Supervisor Eligibility
  • Supervisors must contribute a minimum of $2,900 $3,500 [***REVISED] for each award from a source where such a contribution is an allowable expense (e.g. NSERC Discovery Grants)
  • For USRA awards, agencies consider anyone who is authorized by their university to independently supervise students to be an eligible supervisor
  • Adjuncts with funding from university sources or a Tri-Agency research grant where the USRA supplement is an eligible expense, are also eligible. USRAs are not industrial internships, and students supervised by Adjuncts must not be employees of their supervisor's non-university institution, organization, or company.
How to Submit an Application

**As of Feb 19, 2025, Memorial University has revised the minimum supervisor contribution in order to ensure alignment with new changes in the Provincial minimum wage rate as of April 1, 2025.