Interdisciplinary PhD Students

If you are registered in the Interdisciplinary PhD Program, you may have supervisor(s) in HSS. It's best to contact an HSS Grants Facilitation Officer (GFO) early on when you're submitting research funding proposals such as grants or agreements, as there are unique administrative requirements needed to ensure submission and administration of any research funding. See also the Student Researchers page for information on submitting research grants and student employment.

Submission of Applications

All proposals, such as grant applications and agreements, must be routed through the ID PhD Program Director, and not an HSS Department, for review and approval. See Submitting Proposals and the "How do I...?" section for details regarding this process. 

For applications submitted through the Memorial Researcher Portal, the ID PhD Program must be selected as your unit. All supervisors must be added as team members to your Researcher Portal files. If you have an HSS supervisor, please ensure that HSS GFOs are also on your RP file as team members.

Administration of Funding

Since the ID PhD Program cannot administer research funds for its students, any awarded funding must be managed through an academic unit, such as the home department of an HSS-based supervisor. If you have multiple supervisors, one must be selected to hold the funds on your behalf, and their department head must agree to administer those funds before you apply for a research grant. 

If the funds are to be administered on your behalf by one of your HSS supervisors, an HSS GFO will obtain permission for administration of the funds from the supervisor’s department, and notify appropriate offices where the account will be held. This must occur before you apply for any grant as part of the GFO's review process. Contact a GFO for details.

Upcoming Deadlines

March 27, 2025 at 5:00 PM

April 1, 2025 at 12:00 PM

April 15, 2025

April 16, 2025 at 5:00 PM

April 16, 2025 at 5:00 PM