Fellows of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences


Election to fellowship in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences is one of the highest scholarly honours in Canada. It is awarded to those whom have demonstrated leadership, creativity, distinctive competencies and a commitment to advance academic health science nationally as well as globally.

Listing of those who received fellowship while on faculty at Memorial University:

2024 Rosemary Ricciardelli School of Maritime Studies
2020 Michael Grant Faculty of Medicine
2018 Margaret Steele Former Dean, Faculty of Medicine
2014 Thomas Michalak Faculty of Medicine (retired)
2013 Jane Green Faculty of Medicine (retired)
2013 Proton Rahman Faculty of Medicine
2012 Christopher Loomis Former Vice President (Research) and Professor, School of Pharmacy (retired)
2011 Dale Corbett Faculty of Medicine (retired)
2010 James Rourke Former Dean, Faculty of Medicine
2008 Patrick Parfrey Faculty of Medicine (retired)
2007 John (Sean) Brosnan Department of Biochemistry (retired)
2005 Ian Bowmer Faculty of Medicine (retired)
2005 David Hawkins 3rd Dean, Faculty of Medicine (deceased)
2005 Kevin Keough Former Vice-president (Research and International Relations)