Fabien Basset

Fabien Basset
Associate Professor
Email: fbasset@mun.ca
Office: Physical Education Building | Room 2022
Personal Profile
Dr. Basset is an associate professor at Memorial University's School of Human Kinetics and Recreation (HKR) in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Dr. Basset's research themes fall into energy metabolism, cardiorespiratory physiology and thermoregulation in humans. Dr. Basset applies the classical theory of thermodynamics of open systems (humans) to determine the association between energy production (chemical, radian, thermal, kinetic, potential) and work (expressed in joule, calorie, power, or oxygen uptake) with emphasis on metabolic efficiency.
Dr. Basset’s research focuses on understanding the mechanisms underlying acute and chronic responses to environmental factors such as exercise, cold, hypoxia, or chronic diseases. The long-term goal of this research program is to investigate the effects of environmental factors on substrate contribution to energy production, heat balance (thermoregulation), thermal effect of food (effect of food composition on energy production) and the impact of these factors on the major physiological systems (i.e., cardiorespiratory, nervous system, renal system, digestive system).
Through his research on acute and chronic responses to environmental factors (exercise, cold, hypoxia, chronic diseases), Dr. Basset has developed expertise in indirect calorimetry and in electrophysiology to access human performance in various contexts. Over 20 years, Dr. Basset has acquired a thorough understanding of the principles underpinning the technologies used to collect, manage, and analyze metabolic and electrophysiological data, which helped frame a new theoretical corpus in energy metabolism and cardiorespiratory physiology.
PhD – 1997-2001
Université Laval, Québec Division de Kinésiologie, Département de Médecine Sociale et Préventive Faculté de Médecine
Advisor: Dr. Marcel R. Boulay
Doctoral committee: Dr. Luc Léger, Dr. Louis Pérusse, Dr. Normand Teasdale
Dissertation title: Comparative assessment of the specificity of aerobic endurance tests in well-trained athletes.
M.Sc. – 1994-1997
Université Laval, Québec Département d’Éducation Physique, Faculté d’Éducation
Advisor: Michelle Fleury
Master’s committee: Dr. Chantal Bard, Dr. Normand Teasdale
BPE – 1991-1994
Université Laval, Québec Département d’Éducation Physique, Faculté d’Éducation
Professional Experiences
- Post-Doctoral fellow at the School of Physical Education, University of Toulon-Var, France (Janury 2002 to March 2003).
- Scientific advisor for National Multi-Sport Centre – Montreal.
- In charge of scientific projects entitled:
- Effects of hypoxia exposure on metabolic parameters (2003).
- Biomechanical parameters of long-distance speed skater start (2000).
- Determination of explosiveness and athletic profile (1998).
- Assessment of metabolic and biomechanical parameters in long-distance speed skaters (1998).
- Project manager at the Division de Kinésiologie, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine (Université Laval, 2000-2002).
- Development of an E-learning website for kinesiology and physical education students on laboratory techniques in exercise sciences.
- Instructor for the National Coaching Institute – Montreal (1999-2003)
Non Academic Commitments
- Track and field head coach– Rouge & Or, Université Laval (1999-2000)
- Middle distance and cross-country coach – Rouge & Or, Université Laval (1992-2003).
- Technical coordinator of middle distance events – Québec provincial athletics branch (1994-1999).
- Road running head coach – Naustilus running club, St. John’s, NL (2008 to 2015) Website address: http://members.nautilusrunning.com/
- Director of the Huffin Puffin Provincial Marathon (2012-2016) http://www.huffinpuffinmarathon.com/Home
Additional Information