Two HKR researchers hold seats on international committee
"As we are the only institution represented by two individuals it certainly reflects the respect and esteem that Thera-Band has for Memorial's scientific rigour," noted Dr. Behm. "HKR consistently conducts multiple experiments per year. TRAC recognized that this consistently high output was the result of a team approach."
"I think Thera-Band perceives Memorial and HKR as an internationally recognized neuromuscular research centre that not only can provide answers about the effectiveness, reliability and validity of products designed to improve the health, wellness and lifestyle of the public but also provide the answers regarding how these products work," he added.
Dr. Button agrees. "I think it speaks volumes of the type and amount of Thera-Band related research that is implemented and published from our department. We have become well respected in the academy," he noted. "With this partnership we get to share research ideas with individuals from around the world and our students get to do very interesting research projects."
Dr. Phil Page is the director of Clinical Education and Research with the Change Hygenic Corp to Performance Health, which produces Thera-Band products. He says it's a win-win partnership with what he considers to be some of the top exercise researchers. "We are able to provide some grants for student research through Dr. Behm's and Dr. Button's lab; they get the experience of research and we benefit with evidence to support our products. In addition, novel and clinically-relevant research in rehabilitation and exercise is fostered."
Dr. Behm sees the relationship between Thera-Band and Memorial, which began in 2010, as getting stronger; providing HKR students with more research opportunities and insights beyond academics as well as helping to attract more international students.
TRAC, which was established in 1999 to promote and disseminate research, has both academic researchers and health professionals who meet once a year to present their research. Last year, the annual get together was held here in St. John's. It was the first time it was held in a university setting, resulting in collaborations with researchers in Spain, Denmark, Marquette University and the University of Washington. Both Behm and Button will be attending the fifteenth TRAC meeting in Moscow, Russia this coming summer.