Dr. Maria Mayr

Dr. Maria Mayr


Associate Professor


Honours B.A., Philosophy and Religion, University of Toronto (2003)

M.A., Comparative Literature, Western University (2005)

Ph.D., Comparative Literature, Western University (2011)


Research Interests

Memory Studies

20th and 21 century German-language literature and culture

Inter-, trans-, and multicultural literatures

Post-socialist memory



European memory discourses


Current Research Projects

Unrealized Futures in Post-Socialist Memory and Culture (with Drs. Michel Mallet Université de Moncton and Kristin Rebien, San Diego State University)

Re-Conceptualizing Utopia: Thinking the Future Today (with Dr. Christina Kraenzle, York University)

Transnational European Memory in German-language Literature from Eastern Europe: Yugoslavia and

Beyond (SSHRC Insight Development Grant 2016-2022)


Teaching Interests and Projects

German-language literatures and cultures

Contemporary German-language literature

Memory discourses in German-language cultures

Multidirectional memories of genocide

Interculturality in literature

Postcolonial German Studies

Mobilizing Knowledge on the East Coast Trail (experiential learning partnership)


Selected Recent Publications

Refereed Book

(equal authors) Mallet, Michel, Maria Mayr and Kristin Rebien. Unrealized Futures in Post-Socialist Memory and Culture. Media and Cultural Memory Series. Berlin: de Gruyter. (accepted)

(equal authors) Kraenzle, C., and M. Mayr, eds. The Changing Place of Europe in Global Memory Cultures – Usable Pasts and Futures. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies Series. Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave, 2016. https://www.palgrave.com/de/book/9783319391519


Refereed Journal Articles

Mayr, M. “From Collectives to Communities: Marica Bodrožić’ Mein Weißer Frieden (2014) and the Task of Individual Memory”. Unrealized Futures in Post-Socialist Memory and Culture. Berlin: de Gruyter. (accepted)

Mayr, M. “Modern and Off-Modern Time Regimes: Co-Memorating Trauma and Hope in Alida Bremer's Olivas Garten (2013). Literatur und Erinnerung. PhiN – Philologie im Netz. Nr. 29 (2022): 10-25. http://web.fu-berlin.de/phin/beiheft29/b29i.htm

Mayr, M. “The European Future of Postsocialist Nostalgia in German-Language Literature About Former Yugoslavia”. Colloquia Germanica 51 (2020): 325-344.

Mayr, M. “Europe’s Invisible Ghettos: Transnationalism and Neoliberal Capitalism in Julya Rabinowich’s Die Erdfresserin.” Transnationalism in Contemporary German-Language Literature. Ed. Elizabeth Herman, Carrie Smith-Prei, and Stuart Taberner. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2015. 144-161.

Mayr, M. “‘Überwältigende Vergangenheit’: Questioning European Identity in Contemporary German-Language Literature about former Yugoslavia.” Re-Forming the Nation in Literature and Film. Ed. Julian Preece. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2013. 229-248.


Contact Information

Email: mmayr@mun.ca
Room: SN - 4023
Phone: (709) 864-7636