Workplace Violence Prevention for Supervisors
Who Should Attend?
All Memorial University employees that have the responsibilities of a supervisor.
The NL Occupational Health and Safety Act defines a supervisor as "a person authorized or designated by an employer to exercise direction and control over workers of the employer;"
Section 2(k) OHS Act
The objective of this training program is to create a greater awareness of the change to the Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational Health and Safety Regulations with respect to Workplace Violence that come into effect in January 2020. The Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational health and safety regulations have sections related to workplace violence. Effective Jan. 1, 2020, the regulations have introduced family violence, requirements for the development, implementation and maintenance of a harassment prevention plan and required training for all employees regarding harassment prevention and the harassment prevention plan.
This course will review the requirements of the legislation in full. This includes: the responsibilities of workers, supervisors and employers with respect to the workplace violence legislation; the definitions and examples of workplace violence and harassment; the risk assessment process; workplace violence and harassment prevention plans and Memorial University's respectful workplace policy. It also reviews the sexual harassment and sexual assault policy and themes related to sexual harassment and assault. Finally, information is provided for the supervisor to assist in the implementation and maintenance of the workplace violence and harassment prevention plans within their workplace.
Course Duration: 2 hours online
Completion requirements: 80% on all online quizzes
Course includes: Once registered, the course will stay activated on your Brightspace (D2L) account and can be used as a reference or refreshed on a regular basis.
This course consists of five modules:
Module 1 - Legislation
Module 2 - Workplace Violence
Module 3 - Workplace Harassment and Respectful Workplace
Module 4 - Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault
Module 5 - Information for Supervisors