Health & Safety Training
In-Class Health and Safety Training
OHS Committee Training seminars are conducted in class on campus. To request OHS Committee training, please fill out a training request form.
For further training needs, please contact
Online Health and Safety Training Offerings
To register for the sessions below - CLICK HERE, complete the online form and you will be directed to Brightspace (D2L) to access the training.
- Highly recommended for all building occupants to learn more about asbestos hazards on campus.
- Mandatory for all personnel (faculty, staff and students) who work in authorized biohazard laboratories, prior to commencing work.
- Refresher is required every five (5) years.
- Mandatory for all personnel (faculty, staff and students) who have completed the original Biosafety course and continue to work in authorized biohazard laboratories. This training course is required to maintain biohazard worker authorization.
- Refresher is required every five (5) years.
- Mandatory for all personnel (faculty, staff and students) who work with cannabis and cannabis products, prior to commencing work.
- Refresher is required every three (3) years.
- Highly recommended for any personnel (Faculty, staff and students) who work with or in close proximity to Chemical, Radiation and/or Biohazards.
- Mandatory for all personnel (faculty and staff) who are identified as Emergency Wardens including Building Wardens. Highly recommended for all faculty and staff to ensure occupants know how to respond in the event of a building evacuation. This training course has an expiry of three (3) years.
- Mandatory for any Memorial University employee (security, technical, administrative and academic staff) as well as external contractors/vendors that may enter a laboratory as part of their regular work duties. It is intended to provide awareness for the various hazards (Biological, Radiation and Chemical) that may be present in typical laboratories.
- Refresher is required every three (3) years.
- Mandatory for any Memorial University employee (security, technical, administrative and academic staff) as well as external contractors/vendors that may enter a laboratory as part of their regular work duties.
- Refresher is required every three (3) years.
- Mandatory for any Memorial University employee (both administrative and academic) required to work in laboratories conducting laboratory activities.
- Refresher is required every five (5) years.
- Highly recommended for workers in Facilities Management to learn more about potential exposure to legionella on campus and the development of disease.
- Mandatory for all personnel (staff and students who directly handle radioactive materials) who work in authorized radiation laboratories prior to commencing work.
- Refresher is required within 5 years.
- Mandatory for all personnel (those who directly handle radioisotopes and those who do not) who work in authorized radiation laboratories, at least every five (5) years. This training course is required to maintain radiation worker authorization.
- Refresher is required every five (5) years.
- Mandatory for laboratory workers in authorized radiation labs who DO NOT handle radioactive materials directly, prior to commencing work.
- Refresher is required every five (5) years.
- Mandatory for any individual who may be required to use a respirator for work or study. Please note this course can be used as a refresher training. This course and the health screening form must be completed before a fit test is conducted. Click here for more information.
- Mandatory for students who work/study in laboratories where hazardous materials are handled. To register for this course students are required to complete the training registration on Memorial's Self Serve. Click here for Memorial's Self Service
- Mandatory for students who work/study in laboratories where hazardous materials are handled. To register for this course students are required to complete the training registration on Memorial's Self Serve. Click here for Memorial's Self Service
- Mandatory for employees and students wishing to register as a scientific diver at MUN.
- Mandatory for any staff member involved in the transportation of dangerous goods via road (includes packaging, offering for transport, shipping and receiving dangerous goods).
- Certificate is valid for three (3) years.
- Mandatory for any staff member involved in the transportation of dangerous goods via road (includes packaging, offering for transport, shipping and receiving dangerous goods). Certificate is valid for three (3) years. Click here for more information.
- Mandatory for any Memorial University employee (both administrative and academic) that works with or in close proximity to hazardous products (i.e. chemicals). Refresher training is required every five (5) years. Click here for more information.
- Mandatory for any Memorial University employee (both administrative and academic) that has the responsibilities of a supervisor. This is a requirement of the Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational Health and Safety Regulations as of January 2020. This course includes all course content from the employee training with additional information for Supervisors. Click here for more information.
- Mandatory for any Memorial University employee (both administrative and academic) that does not have responsibilities of a supervisor. This is a requirement of the Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational Health and Safety Regulations as of January 2020. If you are a supervisor, please register for the Workplace Violence Prevention for Supervisors course only. Click here for more information.
- Mandatory for all personnel (staff and students) who work in authorized X-ray emitting device laboratories, prior to commencing work. Refresher is required every five (5) years.
Health & Safety Training Offerings for Non-MUN Personnel
- Highly recommended for any Contractor hired to complete work for Memorial University of Newfoundland. It is intended to assist in familiarizing contractors with the rules and regulations that apply to those working on Memorial University campuses. Note: Some tender documents identify this training as Mandatory.
- Contact your Project Coordinator for course login credentials.
- Click here to register (use the "brightspace-login only" link)
- Mandatory for any non-MUN worker (i.e. NL Health personnel, external contractors/vendors, etc.) that may enter a MUN laboratory as part of their regular work duties. It is intended to provide awareness for the various hazards (Biological, Radiation and Chemical) that may be present in typical laboratories.
- Refresher is required every three (3) years.
- Click here to register (you will need to "create new account" to register).
Proof of online training
- For Brightspace courses, certificates are available under the "awards" heading.
- For Moodle courses, you will be emailed your certificate after completing the course.
Please ensure that all training records are maintained with your supervisor.