Univeristy Radiation Safety Committee (URSC)

University Radiation Safety Committee (URSC)

The University has established and shall maintain a URSC comprising of members of the University community knowledgeable in the safe use of radioactive materials or other sources of ionizing radiation and other ancillary workers who through their work may come into contact with radioactive materials and other sources of ionizing radiation. This committee will be two-tiered, with Tier I being responsible for policy oversight and Tier II being responsible for permit approvals.

URSC Terms of Reference

Tier I Committee will have the following mandate:
1. Formulate and implement policies, regulations and procedures governing the use of radioactive materials and radiation;
2. Provide advice on the safe use of radioactive materials and sources of ionizing radiation including x-rays in all areas under the control of the University;
3. Review reports of all inspections, incidents, unusual occurrences and relevant materials presented by the RSO. Make any recommendations deemed appropriate based on the information supplied in these reports.
4. Review all audits and reports regarding radiation safety sent to the University by the CNSC or other competent federal, provincial or municipal authorities. Make any recommendations deemed appropriate based on the information supplied in these audits or reports.
5. Respond to radiation safety issues that require immediate consultation.
6. Report annually to the Vice-president (Administration and Finance).

Tier II Committee will have the following mandate:
1. Approve or revoke permits as required under the Nuclear Safety and Control Act.
2. Approve requests to commission/decommission radioisotope labs
3. Monitor and approve the Radiation Safety Program.
4. Monitor compliance of external and internal dose monitoring.


 URSC member profiles

Dr. Patricia Cousins – Chair

Dr. Patricia Cousins is the Manager of Medical Laboratories and Clinical Learning and Simulation (CLSC) for the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University. She earned a Ph.D. in Medicine from MUN (Immunology and Infectious Disease). She has been trained in biochemistry, chemistry, immunology and virology, with approximately 20 years of experience in HBV and HCV research, in both animal and cell culture models of hepatitis B and C virus infection. She completed post-doctoral work and was employed in laboratory management for the Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus Research Facility prior to her current roles. She and her teams participate in all areas of research and curriculum laboratory safety with the Faculty of Medicine and contributes to teaching in graduate courses in immunology and virology in her role as Adjunct professor. In this role, she manages the core laboratory instrumentation and support services provided by the Medical Laboratories team, and aids in supports for clinical skills, high-fidelity simulation and standardized and teaching patients with the CLSC.

Dr. Wanda Aylward

Dr. Wanda Aylward is a Research Associate who manages the Rigaku Powder X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD), JEOL Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and JEOL Electron Probe MicroAnalyzer (EPMA) for MUN’s Core Research Equipment and Instrument Training (CREAIT) network. As a Research Associate, Wanda works very closely with both faculty and students in the lab to develop research protocols, train users on the various instruments, maintain the instruments in working condition and ensure all lab safety regulations are followed. Wanda holds a Ph.D. in chemistry and has approximately 15 years of experience working in an x-ray radiation lab.

Mr. Dion Bennett

Dion Bennett has more than 26 years of experience in the field of supply chain management, having worked for both private and public organizations. Dion is currently Supply Chain Manager within the Faculty of Science at MUN and holds the designations of Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP), Certified Customs Specialist and a Diploma in Business Administration.

Dr. Noriko Daneshtalab

Dr. Noriko Daneshtalab is an Associate Professor at the School of Pharmacy, with expertise in pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics. Noriko directs a basic science laboratory focusing on animal models of autoimmune and cardiovascular disease, with extensive experience in working with various animal models of inflammation, hemorrhagic stroke, and arthritis-induced cerebrovascular damage. She has also served as the Expert Reviewer for determining interchangeability of drugs for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for the last 10 years, and has been heavily involved in decision makings within several board of directors of Canadian non-profit scientific organizations for many years, including Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences. Noriko has been heavily involved in decision making with several Canadian non-profit scientific organizations board of directors, including the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Dr. John Jamieson

Dr. John Jamieson is an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Marine Geology within the Department of Earth Sciences at Memorial. John's research focuses on submarine volcanic and tectonic processes, seafloor exploration, and marine mineral resources. Dr. Jamieson runs the Marine Radioisotope Laboratory, a gamma spectrometry facility primarily focused on uranium series geochronology for dating mineral deposits on the seafloor. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in structural geology and economic geology.

Ms. Rayna Luther

Ms. Rayna Luther is the Associate Vice President (Facilities) at Memorial University. Rayna is a Licensed Professional Engineer, she holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s of Science in Engineering from the University of New Brunswick, and a diploma in Occupational Health and Safety from the University of New Brunswick. Rayna also serves on the advisory council on occupational health and safety as a management representative.

Dr. Jaeok Park

Dr. Park is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science at Memorial. Jaeok's main areas of expertise are enzymology and structural biology and his research focuses on allosteric regulation of metabolic enzymes.

Dr. Rod Hobbs

Dr. Hobbs is Memorial's Radiation and Biological Safety Officer (RSO/BSO), as well as the Designated Official (DO) for Memorial's Controlled Goods Program, Responsible Individual (RI) for Memorial's Cannabis Research Safety program and Memorial's Scientific Diving Safety Officer (DSO). Rod holds a Ph.D. in molecular biology, which focussed on the use of genetic tools to evaluate the evolution of cold adaptation in north Atlantic fish species. Rod has extensive experience with research and educational radiation safety and the applicable legislative requirements in Canada. Rod is responsible for administrating and managing Memorial's radiation safety program and is the point of contact for all matters relating to radiation safety at Memorial.

Dr. Janet Brunton

Dr. Janet Brunton is a Professor and Deputy Head (Undergraduate) in the Department of Biochemistry, which is home to the Human Biosciences undergraduate program.  She is a long-standing member of the URSC and former Chair.  Her research is focused on the amino acid requirements of newborn and premature infants, particularly when intravenous feeding is necessary secondary to intestinal infections or injury.  Her research group uses nutrient tracers with both stable- and radio-isotope labels to study how specific amino acids alter metabolic processes and growth. 

Ms. Lynette Wells

Ms. Lynette Wells has been with Memorial University for 23 years,  as a Campus Enforcement & Patrol Officer for 21 years and have been in my current role as Manager of Protective Services for the past 2 years. I have been involved in Community Policing and Volunteer work throughout my career with MUN and look forward to joining this new group and learning from your knowledge and experiences.

Mr. Kevin Garnier

Mr. Kevin Garnier is the Director (Interim) of Facilities Management & Ancillary Services for Memorial’s Grenfell Campus.  Kevin is a Licensed Professional Engineer, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Memorial University, as well as a Masters Certificate in Project Management from York University.  Kevin holds positions on a number of committees within the Memorial University structure, including the Accessibility Steering, Academic and Administrative Services IT and University Health and Safety Committees.