Radiation Safety Training

Radiation Safety Training at Memorial

Radiation safety training is a prerequisite for any student or staff member (i.e. worker) who will work in an authorized radioisotope laboratory. Before commencing work in an authorized radioisotope laboratory, one of two radiation safety courses must be successfully completed. Separate training courses are available depending on the type of work performed within the laboratory:

1. Radiation Safety – required for workers who directly handle radioactive sources or devices containing radioactive sources. This course is designed to provide workers with the fundamental information pertaining to the characteristics of radiation, modes of decay, biological effects, review of units and calculations, means of reducing exposure (ALARA), emergency procedures and other procedures and policies associated with MUN’s radiation safety program (RSP).

2. Radiation Safety Awareness - required for workers who DO NOT directly handle radioactive sources or devices containing radioactive sources. This course provides basic knowledge of hazard and signage identification as well as emergency procedures and important contact information.
Existing Radiation Workers

Radiation Safety Refresher - Authorized radiation workers are required to renew their training periodically. This can be achieved by completing the Radiation Safety Refresher training every five (5) years.

Laboratory Safety Awareness for Non-laboratory Workers
This course is intended for MUN employees who may occasionally be required to enter an authorized radioisotope laboratory to perform their employment function (i.e. facilities management personnel, custodians, ITS staff, administrative staff, etc.). This training will provide an overview of the laboratory environment, with special attention paid to the importance of recognizing and adhering to radiation signage, identification of the potential radiation hazards a worker may encounter, and what to do in the event that a radiation hazard is encountered. These employees will not perform their work in an area designated for nuclear substance or radiation device use without prior authorization from the RSO.

Register HERE for D2L Safety training. Please note that you should have access to the course immediately after registration. If not, please contact DELTS technical support directly.

In addition, each worker must receive laboratory-specific training pertaining to the characteristics and risks associated with the radioisotopes that will be used in the laboratory, how to reduce exposure while working in the laboratory, and how the requirements of the RSP are implemented and complied within the laboratory. This training must be provided by the permit holder or a qualified delegate.

All training (both online and laboratory-specific) must be documented in the worker in-house training log.