Asbestos Abatement Tunnel TA-0C02

Asbestos Abatement Tunnel TA-0C02

Memorial University would like to advise the users of the Tunnel TA-0C02, located at the entrance to the Science Building, that asbestos abatement will take place on Sept 19.

This work will be done in accordance with the Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations and the Memorial University Asbestos Management and Abatement Policy. Only competent and certified personnel will be permitted to enter or work in the designated area.

The work area will be isolated by physical barriers, and warning signs will be posted to identify the work area. Shut down or modification, as necessary, of the heating, ventilation, and cooling (HVAC) system as well as other controls will ensure other spaces of the building remain free of contamination. Air monitoring will be conducted throughout the course of the abatement process to ensure no harm to occupants or to the removal specialists. Clearance air monitoring will be conducted prior to re-occupancy of the abatement area. Final monitoring results will be available from Environmental Health and Safety at the completion of the project.

Environmental Health and Safety asks all occupants to observe the following precautions: do not disturb the work site or material, respect and observe signage and the contractor's work area, and report any possible infractions to Environmental Health and Safety at (709) 864-3786 or after hours to Campus Enforcement and Patrol (CEP) at (709) 864-4100.

If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Environmental Health and Safety by email at or by phone at (709) 864-3786.

Environmental Health and Safety appreciates your time and patience while this important work is completed.