Buildings with Asbestos

Campus Map

Building NameACM Present? (Y/N)
Arts and Administration (A) 
Animal Resource Centre (AR) 
Baltimore (BM) 
Barnes (BA)
Biotechnology (BT) Y
Blackall (BL) Y
Bowater (BO) Y
Bruneau Centre for Reseach and Innovation (IIC) N
Burke (BU) Y
Business Administration (BN) Y
C-Core - Captain Robert A Bartlett Building (K) Y
C-Core Centrifuge Centre - Dr. Jac Clark Geotechnical Engineering Building (CF) N
Cabot (CT) Y
Cartier (CR) Y
Chemical and Flammable Storage (FL) N
Chemistry-Physics (C ) Y
Child Care Centre (CH) Y
Cluett Hall (EX) 
Computing Services (CS) 
Core Science Facility (CSF) N
Corte Real (CA) Y
Coughlan College (CL) Y
Curtis (CU) Y
Doyle (DO) Y
Earth Sciences - Alexander Murray Building (ER) Y
Education Building - G.A. Hickman Building (ED) Y
Engineering and Applied Science - S.J. Carew Building (EN) Y
Facilities Management (FM) Y
Faculty of Medicine N
Field Hall (GH) Y
Gilbert (GB) Y
Guy (GY) Y
Hatcher (HA) Y
Health Sciences Centre (HSC) Y
Hydraulic Pump House (HP) Y
Juniper House (BP) Y
Macpherson College N
Macpherson College - Central Hub (CX) N
Mathematics - Henrietta Harvey Building (HH) Y
Memorial Tower (MT) N
Multi-Faith Facility (Chapel) Y
Music Building - M O Morgan Building (MU) N
Parking Garage N
Physical Education Buidling - School of Human Kinetics and Recreation (PE) Y
Print and Mail Services (PS) Y
Queen Elizabeth II Library (L) Y
Queen's College (QC) Y
R. Gushue Halll (DH) Y
Rothermere (RO) Y
Science (SN) Y
Shiwak Hall (WX) N
South Campus Boiler Plant (BR) Y
Spencer Hall (SP) Y
Splash Facility (SF) N
Squires (SQ) Y
St. John's College (J) Y
The Works - Field House (FH) N
The Works/Memorial University Recreation Complex (MURC) Aquarena (AQ) Y
University Centre (UC) N
Utilies Annex (UA) Y
Signal Hill Campus Facility (B) Y
Johnson Geo Centre N
JBARB Facility (AC) N
Cold Ocean Deep Sea Research Facility (CD) N
Ocean Sciences Centre Annex (AX) Y
Ocean Sciences Diving Facility (DV) Y
Ocean Sciences Centre Main Building (OS) Y
Ocean Sciences Fish Tank (RT) N
Ocean Sciences - Storage Facility (RS) N
Deep Seawater Pump House (RD) N
Shallow Seawater Pupe House (RP) N
Botanical Gardens Caretaker Residence (BC) Y
Botanical Gardens Garage (BE) N
Botanical Garden Greenhouse (BF) Y
Botanical Gardens Interpretative Centre (BG) N
Botanical Gardens Main Greenhouse (BH) N
Botanical Gardens Barn (BY) Y
Botanical Gardens Storage/Utility Building (BK) N
Botanical Garden Stroage and Carpentry Shop Y
Food Pilot (FS) Y
Media Services Building (MS) Y
Mount Scio Chemical Waste Storage (CW) Y
Vivarium (V) Y