Asbestos management
Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring fibrous silicate minerals that were historically used in building materials because of its unique physical and chemical characteristics, such as resistance to fire, heat, chemicals, tensile strength, and sound absorption properties.
Use of asbestos was discontinued in the mid-late 1980s but it is still commonly found in many buildings. When asbestos containing materials (ACMs) have been identified in a building, it is often not feasible or necessary to remove it. It is common practice to manage asbestos in-place. In such instances, it is mandatory to develop a program whereby work procedures and training are implemented in order to control potential exposure to asbestos.
As a component of the Health and Safety Management System, the Asbestos Management Program is a comprehensive program established to actively manage and rigorously control ACM in university buildings and all activities that may disturb such materials. This is accomplished through the identification and compilation of all confirmed and suspect ACM in university buildings, as required by the Newfoundland and Labrador Asbestos Abatement Regulations. These building surveys are posted below.
The Building Survey Report is to be read in conjunction with the detailed surveys that have been prepared for each Memorial building where ACM has been identified or is suspected. The report identified the types of materials that are found in each building.
If you have any questions, please contact Environmental Health by sending us an email
- Asbestos management plan
- Asbestos awareness for building occupants course
- Asbestos awareness - FAQ
- Asbestos information request form
- Annual Asbestos Air Monitoring Reports
- Building surveys
- Buildings with Asbestos
- Safe work procedures