Fire Safety at Memorial
The Fire Safety program through Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for ensuring Memorial University is compliant with the National Fire Codes, Building Codes, and Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational Health and Safety Legislation regarding fire safety. This is done through:
The Environmental Health and Safety Advisors will consult with Facilities Management on new building constructions and renovations to ensure compliance with all relevant fire safety codes and legislation.
Accurate fire safety evacuation plans for every classroom, laboratory and building have been developed and posted in the appropriate location.
Fire Drills
Memorial conducts fire drills once a year in every building to assess the fire wardens and the evacuation procedure.
Life Safety Inspections
In a life safety inspection of a building, Environmental Health and Safety Advisors will ensure that the structure, exit requirements, travel distance, fire separation, and other criteria are up to code. There are over 50 buildings (on and off campus) that are inspected annually and every part of each building is inspected thoroughly. Reports from each inspection are forwarded to the St. John’s Regional Fire Department (SJRFD) for review and possible audit.
Emergency Warden Training: Emergency wardens for each building are trained in topics such as; roles and responsibilities, how to safely evacuate a building, and fire safety guidelines, policies and procedures. Register on Brightspace here.
To contact Environmental Health and Safety, please email