Administrative leadership
- Shanna Jenniex, director, finance, Administration & Finance (GC)
- Dr. Penny Blackwood, executive director, Office of Development
- Lynn Squires, associate director, Alumni Engagement
- Dr. Jennifer Keyte, director and university veterinarian, Animal Care Services
- Dr. Robert Scott, director, Bonne Bay Aquarium and Research Station (GC)
Lori Pike, director, Budgeting
- Dr. Matthew Grimes, director, Office of Research and Development (MI)
- Jordan Wright, lead, 2025 Canada Games at Memorial University
Dr. Kim Myrick, co-director, Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
- Bonnie Simmons, co-director, Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
- Captain Christopher Hearn, director, Centre for Marine Simulation (MI)
- Vacant, director, CTec-Centre for Applied Ocean Technology (MI)
- Dr. Heather Burke, director, Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development (MI)
- Tom Brown, administrative director, Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research (MI)
- Dr. Paul Winger, director, Centre for Sustainable Acquatic Resources (MI)
Keith Matthews, director, Centre for Institutional Analysis & Planning
- Marie-Claude Renaud, director, Conference Services and Events
- Barbara Battcock, director, Environmental Health and Safety
- Dr. Andreas Klinke, director, Environmental Policy Institute (GC)
- Laura Aylward, director, administrative services, Facilities Management
Mike Foley, interim director, engineering and construction, Facilities Management
Grant Vivian, director, operations and maintenance, Facilities Management
Kevin Garnier, interim director, Facilities Management and Ancillary Services (GC)
- Geoff Williams, director, Faculty Relations
Kim Crosbie, interim director of the Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development, Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development
Emily Wooley, interim director, Human Resources
- Kelly Anne Butler, interim director, Indigenous Engagement and Reconciliation
Newton Pritchett, director, Information Technology Services (GC)
- Angela Avery, acting director, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Lynn Walsh, interim director, Internationalization Office
Paula Dyke, executive director, Marketing & Communications
Laura Edwards, director, Marketing, Communications and Advancement (GC)
- Bill Chislett, director, MI International
- Kim Shipp, director, MUN Botanical Garden and Johnson GEO Centre and interim associate vice-president, Public Engagement and External Relations
- Chris Lake, acting director, information management and protection, Office of the Chief Information Officer
Ken Carter, director, Research and Engagement (GC)
Scott Worsfold, general counsel, Office of General Counsel
- Jennifer Dove, university auditor, Office of Internal Audit
Kim Crosbie, interim director of the Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development, Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development
Margot Brown, executive director, Office of the President
- Dr. Lee Ann McKivor, university registrar, Office of the Registrar
- Carolyn Parsons, registrar & director student services, Office of the Registrar (GC)
Jennifer Howell, interim registrar, Office of the Registrar (MI)
Roxanne Millan, director, resource allocation and planning, Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
- Carol Tibbo, director, operations, Office of the Vice-President (Administration and Finance)
- Cody Garlie, director, Offshore Safety and Survival Centre (MI)
David Miller, director, Research Initiatives and Services
- Jennifer Browne, director, Student Life
Bruce Belbin, director, Student Residences and Ancillary Operations
Dr. Ken Fowler, director, Student Wellness and Counselling Centre
- Richard Meaney, director, Technical Services
- Kelley Santos, director, The Launch (MI)
- Lisa Russell executive director, University Governance Secretariat
- Dr. Karen Murphy, director, Varsity Athletics
- Peggy Colbourne, director, Western Regional School of Nursing (GC)