Graduate Courses

6000. Feminist Theory (offered each fall)

6100. Feminist Epistemologies and Methodologies (offered each fall)

6200. Graduate Seminar in Gender Studies (offered each winter)

6300. Feminism as Community 

6400-6420. Special Topics in Gender Studies

Other courses may be decided in consultation with the supervisor(s) and chosen from other disciplines.


Gender Studies graduate courses: Fall 2024

For additional course infomation such as slot, room number, and instructor, check Memorial Self-Service. 

Feminist Theory (GNDR 6000)

Course description forthcoming.

Feminist Epistemologies and Methodologies (GNDR 6100)

Course description forthcoming.

Gender Studies graduate courses: Winter 2025

For additional course infomation such as slot, room number, and instructor, check Memorial Self-Service. 

Graduate Seminar (GNDR 6200)

Course description forthcoming.

Beyond Wellness: Feminist Reframings of Illness and Health (GNDR 6408)

This course examines mainstream visions of illness, health, and wellness through critical feminist lenses. There is a special focus on arts-based methodologies and arts-informed research, including graphic novels and memoirs.