Succession Planning

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Implement a succession planning strategy that will prepare your organization for key personnel changes that will occur in the future.

Explore the process of developing a succession plan that is focused on leadership continuity, improved knowledge sharing, and transitioning people into critical roles. Gain a deeper understanding of succession planning and its importance to an organization while emphasizing conditions for success. This topic will also explore the nuances of succession planning in a family-run business.

Identify building blocks and plan for personnel gaps as you work through the process for establishing a succession plan that is aligned with an organization's strategic plan.

Key Leaarning Outcomes

  • Understand and apply the best practices of succession planning.
  • Identify the building blocks necessary to implement a successful succession planning program.
  • Identify where potential personnel gaps and risks exist in your organization.
  • Learn the four steps to succession planning.
    • Understand how to conduct a risk analysis.
    • Know how to identify high-potential employees.
    • Learn techniques for the development of high-potential employees.
    • Understand how to monitor the succession process for strategic value to your institution.
  • Review the challenges of implementing a succession plan.
  • Understand the role and opportunities technology provides in the succession planning process.
  • Develop an action guide to begin implementing a succession plan.

Course Duration: 1 day | Continuing Education Contact Hours: 7

This course is part of theĀ Strategic Human Resources Management Program

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