Performance Coaching *IN PERSON*

$495 + HST

Next Offering

October 10, 2024
08:30 AM - 04:00 PM (NDT)

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Master the process for effective performance management of your employees.     

This course is designed to provide participants with the tools and techniques for providing constructive performance feedback, as well as a step-by-step approach to coaching employees to achieve peak performance. This course explores the importance of goal setting, accountability, performance measurement, and performance coaching for individual success. Participants will understand legal requirements and their impact on the development and application of coaching techniques. This course also provides an overview of formal and informal coaching and reveals techniques for building performance confidence.

The course offers hands-on practice of coaching and feedback techniques to build participant confidence and skill competency. Immediate feedback from peers and the instructor provides opportunities for self-improvement.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Assess the concept of coaching and its impact on employee performance
  • Discuss the importance of goal setting and building confidence in employee development
  • Practice improving employee feedback skills
  • Review the 'do's and donts' of performance feedback
  • Assess the importance of effective formal and informal coaching

This course is part of the Strategic Human Resources Management Program.

Continuing Education Contact Hours: 7


Travor Brown

Dr. Travor C. Brown is the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at Memorial Univeristy.  He is a Professor of Labour Relations and Human Resources and former President of ASAC (the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada).  He has taught at Memorial University, the University of Toronto and the University of Ulster.  Since joining Memorial University, he has also served as the Associate Dean (Research) and the Director of the Master of Employment Relations, MSc (Management) and PhD (Management) programs.  Dr. Brown has been appointed to the provincial roster of arbitrators.

Dr. Brown has authored over 30 peer-reviewed journal articles, a textbook and over 70 conference presentations.  He has also been the sole investigator on two national Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) grants.  Much of his research examines issues concerning goal setting and training effectiveness, with special focus on managment and leadership development.

Dr. Brown's academic background is coupled with extensive industry experience.  He worked in the telecommunications and manufacturing sectors prior to completing his PhD at the University of Toronto and remains active in the practitioner community.  Given this background, Dr. Brown is well known for this ability to engage both practitioner and academic audiences and to show the 'real world' implications of his research.



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