Leading and Engaging a Remote Workforce
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***This course is accredited by IABC***
With our new reality, many are forced into working more virtually and although this may not be permanent, it will be more commonplace in the months and years ahead. This session will help leaders and teams understand what needs to shift in how we work to drive effective communications, productivity, accountability and engagement in a virtual environment. Currently, it may not be ideal, however, we must find new ways to enhance the experience for ourselves, our teams and our clients and stakeholders to engage teams to drive organizational outcomes for mutual success.
Topics covered
- The challenges and opportunities of our current environment
- Seeing what our unique future may bring
- Understanding change and resilience to optimize teams in our new environment understanding the fundamentals of employee engagement and communicating virtually
- Delegating with clarity and creating buy-in
- Techniques for virtually driving performance and accountability to create trust and optimal outcomes for both employees' and the organization's success
Continuing Education Contact Hours: 7
This course qualifies as credits toward the International Association of Business Communicators' (IABC) professional certifications.
When applying to sit for either the exam for Communications Management Professional (CMP)® or Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP)® or to apply for recertification, Gardiner Centre courses can be an integral part of your application package.
To learn more about this global standard certification, visit: gcccouncil.org. To inquire about sitting for a certification exam, contact the local IABC NL chapter at iabcnl@gmail.com, or visit: iabcnl.com.