Leading an Age-Diverse Workforce *ONLINE*

$495 + HST

Next Offering

February 25, 2025
09:00 AM - 04:30 PM (NST)

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Learn how to work with the differences in attitudes and behaviours, and develop them into organizational strengths.

This course explores the impact of having four generations of employees working together. Despite differences in terms of the age of employees across these generations, research has failed to find substantial evidence to support significant differences.  However, we do know there is much conversation and conflict that can result from perceived differences between different generations of employees.  As with any perceived difference within a workforce we are left to grapple with how to resolve conflicts that might result from these perceptions and attitudes towards varying generations of employees. This session will explore these perceptions and highlight strategies that can be used to challenge misperceptions and to work more effectively as a team. The course uses case scenarios and other exercises which provide an opportunity for participants to interact with peers to explore leadership strategies and enhance competencies in managing multi-generations.

Key Learning Outcomes 

  • The attitudes, values and expectations of the different generations 
  • What motivates each generation
  • How various leadership styles work to motivate and engage
  • How to create an environment that is accepting and respectful of generational differences
  • Building on the strengths that different perspectives bring to your organization
  • The critical steps in leading a multigenerational organization to success

Course Duration: 1 day | Continuing Education Contact Hours: 7

Course Endorsements & Partnerships

IABC Logos

This course qualifies as credits toward the International Association of Business Communicators' (IABC) professional certifications.

When applying to sit for either the exam for Communications Management Professional (CMP)(R) or Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP)(R) or to apply for recertification, Gardiner Centre courses can be an integral part of your application package.

To learn more about this global standard certification, visit: gcccouncil.org. To inquire about sitting for a certification exam, contact the local IABC NL chapter at iabcnl@gmail.com, or visit: iabcnl.com.



Heather Peters

Heather Peters is a Senior Consultant and the NL Practice Lead for Leadership, HR and Career Solutions at Knightsbridge Robertson Surrette. An insightful leadership coach, solutions-driven human resources consultant and energetic and engaging facilitator, Heather has helped hundreds of leaders and professionals engage teams and organizations in Canada and beyond.

 As a Senior Consultant and Coach, Heather can easily switch hats to deliver distinctive employee, team, leadership, career and HR solutions. She attributes this ability to over 20 years in leadership, entrepreneurial and strategic HR roles in the insurance, IT, human resources, healthcare and financial industries. Heather's hands-on business and organizational experience helps her connect with her clients and create long standing relationships based on trust and exceptional service.  Heather works mainly in the areas of Performance Management, Organizational Development, Compensation, and Policy, Leadership and Team Development, Succession Planning, Change Management and Career Transition.

Heather is passionate about learning and has completed her Master of Employment Relations (MER) from Memorial University, a Bachelor of Commerce (B. Comm.) from the University of Ottawa, is a Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coach Federation (ICF), and is an Advanced Certified HR Professional with IPMA (IPMA-ACP). This commitment to life-long learning, coupled with 'in the trenches' experience, allows her to translate academic theory into relevant, impact driven solutions for her clients and also her students as a part-time instructor with the Faculty of Business at Memorial University.

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