Respectful Workplace Essentials

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Respectful Workplace Essentials

Respectful workplaces are environments where employees work well together and recognize the value of each individual's strengths and abilities.

Respectful workplace training fosters psychological health and safety in the workplace, which translates into increased employee engagement and productivity. We all have the right to work in an environment that is respectful. We also have an equal responsibility to treat others in a manner that is respectful. 

In this interactive one-day course, participants will learn the elements that contribute to a respectful workplace. They will explore how respectful communication contributes to a healthy workplace and learn how to navigate workplace differences respectfully through a series of discussions and case studies.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • The components of a Respectful Workplace
  • The difference between workplace incivility, conflict and harassment
  • The spectrum of incivility and respect in the workplace 
  • The legal and corporate policy regarding respectful workplaces
  • The different perspectives of those involved in workplace conflict, respecting individual experiences
  • How to respectfully and informally resolve disputes
  • The formal complaint process
  • Awareness of individual differences and diversity
  • Unpacking unconscious bias
  • Recognizing workplace factors that support respectful workplace cultures
  • How employees at all levels can contribute to a respectful workplace

Course Duration: 1 day | Continuing Education Contact Hours: 7 

Participant Experiences

"Good info on the unconscious bias and benefits of recognizing this and how diversity and inclusion are tied together. Not really an advantageous to be diverse if we are missing inclusion in our workforce."

"Current topic and fits in well with the changing times and demographics of the Province and business world."

Course Endorsements and PartnershipsIABC Logos

This course qualifies as credits toward the International Association of Business Communicators' (IABC) professional certifications.  

When applying to sit for either the exam for Communications Management Professional (CMP)® or Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP)® or to apply for recertification, Gardiner Centre courses can be an integral part of your application package. 

To learn more about this global standard certification, visit: To inquire about sitting for a certification exam, contact the local IABC NL chapter at, or visit:

This course qualifies for Professional Development Units (PDUs) as defined by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Each course has a specific qualifying factor for PDUs. See the table below for a specific PDU breakdown for this Gardiner Center program.

To learn more about PDUs and how to apply these credits to your active credential please see

Talent Triangle Allocations

Qualifying PDU Hours

Ways of Working


Power Skills


Business Acumen





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