Building and Enhancing Workplace Relationships *ONLINE*

$595 +HST

Next Offering

April 15, 2025
09:00 AM - 04:30 PM (NDT)

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Develop a process to communicate more effectively to drive understanding, alignment, and outcomes with individuals and teams by gaining a better understanding of your behaviour style, and recognizing and adapting to the style of others. 

Gain insight into your behavioural style, natural tendencies, and communication preferences, to elevate your self-awareness and understand how you and your team can perform at your best.  Learn how to quickly recognize and validate other styles and how to adapt to minimize conflict, increase commitment and cooperation, facilitate change, improve credibility, and engage teams.

This session uses the DISC Assessment; the most widely used behavioural profiling tool of its kind, supported by decades of research and continuous validation.  The goal of DISC is to help you first to build and then to maximize productive relationships. You do not have to change your personality; you simply need to recognize what drives other people and understand your options for effectively dealing with them. 

This course uses a hands-on, practical learning technique with participants working through a series of worksheets activities, discussions, and case studies.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Validate your natural and adapted styles and learn how it contributes to yours and others' success
  • Understand why some interactions, activities, events or people leave you feeling stressed or drained, while others leave you engaged
  • Determine how to adapt your approach to better connect with others to achieve improved productivity and overall outcomes
  • Appreciate others' differences and understand how these differences can help you, your team and your organization meet your goals
  • Become a more effective communicator who can better understand and diffuse conflict, facilitate change, and create individual and team 'buy-in'

Course Duration: 1 day | Continuing Education Contact Hours: 7 

This is a module in the Professional Communication Skills Program and the Influence, Negotiation and Conflict Management Program

What Our Clients Say

"I wish I had done this training years ago! So instructive." - Micheal Ralph - NL Legal Aid Commission 

"My favourite of all the modules yet. I am so impressed with this course and the instructor. I had a great day and learned so much." - Natasha Jeffery

"Best experience to date. Heather is fun and personable. Very knowledgeable. Would definitely recommend this training to anyone." - Maryanne C., Hickman Automotive Group

"I loved this course. I was worried about a zoom course because I find it hard to remain engaged but this was great and the instructor was wonderful!" - Winter 2023 Participant 

"The instructor was knowledgeable, kind, and accommodating. I appreciated the insights I gained in this course, overall." - Winter 2023 Participant

"This was very eye opening section of the course. It was very interesting to really dive into the behavioural types and get a better understanding of how to best communicate with each type and gain a better understanding of myself." - Winter 2023 Participant

"I feel like everyone learned so much about themselves and tools for dealing with other personality types." - Winter 2023 Participant

"Brilliant session, lots of interactivity and learning provided." - Winter 2023 Participant

Course Endorsements & PartnershipsIABC Logos

This course qualifies as credits toward the International Association of Business Communicators' (IABC) professional certifications.  

When applying to sit for either the exam for Communications Management Professional (CMP)® or Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP)® or to apply for recertification, Gardiner Centre courses can be an integral part of your application package. 

To learn more about this global standard certification, visit: To inquire about sitting for a certification exam, contact the local IABC NL chapter at, or visit:



Heather Peters

Heather Peters is a Senior Consultant and the NL Practice Lead for Leadership, HR and Career Solutions at Knightsbridge Robertson Surrette. An insightful leadership coach, solutions-driven human resources consultant and energetic and engaging facilitator, Heather has helped hundreds of leaders and professionals engage teams and organizations in Canada and beyond.

 As a Senior Consultant and Coach, Heather can easily switch hats to deliver distinctive employee, team, leadership, career and HR solutions. She attributes this ability to over 20 years in leadership, entrepreneurial and strategic HR roles in the insurance, IT, human resources, healthcare and financial industries. Heather's hands-on business and organizational experience helps her connect with her clients and create long standing relationships based on trust and exceptional service.  Heather works mainly in the areas of Performance Management, Organizational Development, Compensation, and Policy, Leadership and Team Development, Succession Planning, Change Management and Career Transition.

Heather is passionate about learning and has completed her Master of Employment Relations (MER) from Memorial University, a Bachelor of Commerce (B. Comm.) from the University of Ottawa, is a Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coach Federation (ICF), and is an Advanced Certified HR Professional with IPMA (IPMA-ACP). This commitment to life-long learning, coupled with 'in the trenches' experience, allows her to translate academic theory into relevant, impact driven solutions for her clients and also her students as a part-time instructor with the Faculty of Business at Memorial University.

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