Advanced Administrative Professionals Program

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The administrative professional is a key position in organizations across all sectors. They oversee relationships with team members and external stakeholders, plan, coordinate and manage resources and schedules, and often handle public relations issues and crisis situations. 

This program provides the skills and tools to enhance participants' confidence and influence in their role.  As a result, participants strengthen communications across all levels of their organizations and apply leadership strategies to better manage their varied responsibilities.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Maximizing and improving workplace relationships.
  • Expanding communication skills and outreach at all levels.
  • Projecting confidence and building influence with those around you.
  • Mastering leadership strategies to apply in challenging situations.
  • Managing multiple events and projects in an efficient and effective way
  • Responding to, understanding and adapting to organizational change.

Program Schedule

Schedule TBD

Program Content

Building & Enhancing Workplace Relationships
Develop a process to communicate more effectively to drive understanding, alignment, and outcomes with individuals and teams by gaining a better understanding of your behaviour style, and recognizing and adapting to the style of others.

  • Use the DISC assessment, validate your natural adapted styles and realize how these styles contribute to your success.
  • Recognize why some interactions, activities, events, or people leave you feeling stressed or drained, while others energize you.
  • Determine how to adapt your natural style to better connect with others.
  • Appreciate the differences of others and understand how these differences can help individuals, teams, and organizations achieve their goals.
  • Become a more effective communicator who will diffuse conflict, promote change, and create team 'buy-in' culture.

Confident Leadership: Building Influence & Personal Confidence
Improve professional awareness, build self-assurance and expand interpersonal influence.

  • Review the components of professional presence: gravitas, appearance and communication states.
  • Practice techniques to improve the components of professional presence.
  • Explore how personal values impact your decisions, job performance and interactions with others.
  • Develop a professional mission and vision statement to define how you want to be viewed as a professional.
  • Practice the components of confidence: body language, verbal language and mindset.
  • Master confident communication methods for stronger and confident expression of viewpoints.

Working in an Age-Diverse Environment
Learn how to work with the differences in attitudes and behaviours, and develop them into organizational strengths.

  • Examine the attitudes, values, and expectations of the different generations in the workplace.
  • Explore what motivates each generation.
  • Assess how various leadership styles work to motivate and engage each generation.
  • Apply strategies to create an environment that is accepting and respectful of generational
  • Recognize how to build on the strengths that different perspectives in the workplace bring.
  • Review and apply the critical steps to leading a multigenerational organization to success.

Managing Projects & Events
Develop skills in building, managing and executing successful events and projects of varying sizes.

  • Define the criteria for a successful event or project, as well as common challenges to success
  • Apply skills to think like an event or project manager
  • Assess the nature of an event or project and its environment.
  • Develop project plans and event scenarios that can be managed and executed
  • Manage stakeholder expectations
  • Review the process for event or project initiation and closure

Adapting to Change: Understanding the Change Management Process
Learn strategies to cope with the change transition process and how to create understanding, acceptance, and buy-in.

  • Learn about the change management process including how to view change as a quest and actions to support organizational change
  • Examine various change management models
  • Learn how to engage in change-related conversations
  • Explore change readiness beliefs
  • Develop your adaptability/resiliency to change

Critical Workplace Communications
Enhance the core skills needed to communicate with clarity in the workplace.

  • Review the 'The 3 Cs' in communication and practice strategies for each (clear, concise, consistent)
  • Examine the factors that influence the delivery of our communication such as body language, tone and approach, perception, and the quality of our messages
  • Strengthen writing and editing skills by reviewing and practicing professional writing and editing methods
  • Assess and practice assertive communication skills to improve dialogue with others to express your needs and viewpoints productively

What Our Graduates Say

"I thoroughly value the Advanced Administrative Professionals Program as it gave an opportunity to refresh skills I had previously gained through Gardiner Centre, as well as provided me the experience of learning new topics all related to my career in Administration. Every instructor presented their session through engaging presentations, scenario-based activities, and interactive discussions with others working in Administrative fields. I found the sessions on Managing Multiple Projects & Events and Working in Age-Diverse Environments especially valuable. Since completing the program, I have been using what I learned and sharing this knowledge with others in my office every day."

- Heather Brown, Administrative Assistant | CBDC Labrador 

"I highly recommend the Advanced Administrative Professionals Program, facilitated by the Gardiner Centre. The program provides comprehensive insights into diverse administrative duties and facilitates a dialogue between administrative professionals from many different fields. The hands-on group exercises and real-world examples made it incredibly practical and effective. The instructors are extremely knowledgeable; they recognize the importance of administrative roles in every organization and the necessity of growth and development at every level of business. Their coaching has helped me recognize my strengths while providing me with the tools I need to enhance my expertise, allowing me to do my best in my current role while also providing me with skills to advance in the future. The course was better than anticipated and I'm super happy I was able to attend."

 - Samantha Keats, Regulatory Coordinator, Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro | Spring 2022 Graduate

"The Advanced Administrative Professionals Program was very interactional & informative. I really enjoyed listening to other administrative professionals input on the various topics that were covered."  

 - Peggy Kieley, Project Administrator, Cahill | Spring 2022 Graduate

"All topics were perfect for the type of work we do on a day-to-day basis. There is always room for growth and this program has certainly helped me grow more. The "Working in a Multigenerational Environment" topic was one of those that really peaked my interest and certainly opened my eyes to other perspectives - it was great session! The other topics continued to teach me new ways to view things, approach things and most importantly to step back, pause, evaluate and move ahead. I will certainly recommend this program to everyone I know who will benefit from it!"

Program Endorsements & Partnerships

IABC Logos

This course qualifies as credits toward the International Association of Business Communicators' (IABC) professional certifications.  

When applying to sit for either the exam for Communications Management Professional (CMP)® or Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP)® or to apply for recertification, Gardiner Centre courses can be an integral part of your application package. 

To learn more about this global standard certification, visit: To inquire about sitting for a certification exam, contact the local IABC NL chapter at, or visit:


This program aligns with the International Association of Administrative Professional's CAP Body of Knowledge and participants may qualify for recertification points under specific CAP domains. All CAP holders should conduct their own review of the CAP Body of Knowledge for alignment.

"The Administrative Profession is continuously evolving. Gardiner Centre and the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) recognize this fact and by developing the Advanced Administrative Professionals Program around the IAAP Body of Knowledge, the Gardiner Centre acknowledges the value that our profession brings to every business and industry where we work."

- Debbie Chafe, B.Ed., CAP - IAAP Branch Director for Newfoundland and Labrador.


Continuing Education Contact Hours: 42

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