Faye Murrin

B.Sc. (Hons) Memorial, M.Sc. Acadia, Ph.D. Queen's


Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies &

Department of Biology : SN 4109; 709-864-8018 (phone); 709-864-3018 (fax)



Biology 4040 - Mycology

Biology 2060 - Cell Biology

Biology 1001, 1002 - Introductory Biology

  • Mycology students, Kendra Thornhill and Stephanie Simms, examine the winter and golden chanterelles, both choice edible mycorrhizal mushrooms collected during the class field trip.


My research interests have always been focused on fungi, in particular the cell biology of insect pathogenic fungi and, more recently, the ecology of mycorrhizal mushrooms in the boreal forest.

Cortinarius mucosus, a mushroom associated with red pines, was collected during field work in Terra Nova National Park.



Dentistry Advisor

Mycological Society of America

Public Lectures and Workshops

Women in Science and Engineering

With a giant redwood and George Carroll, MSA President (1998-9), at the annual meeting in Asilomar California, 2003.photo: Estelle Levetin.


Fellow of the Mycological Society of America, 2007

Life-time member, Women in Science and Engineering, NL 2005


Faye Murrin

230 Elizabeth Ave, St. John's, NL, CANADA, A1B 3X9

Postal Address: P.O. Box 4200, St. John's, NL, CANADA, A1C 5S7

Tel: (709) 864-8000