


At a glance: Session 4 ETP Summer 2024

On June 27, 2024, The Entrepreneurial Inspiration Summer 2024 hosted a session: Share from and Talk with Entrepreneur Jeremy Andrews. Many thanks to Jeremy- Co-Founder & CTO of CoLab Software, for his helpful and excellent Q&A session! We have learned much from his business journey, expertise, experience, and breakthrough, which inspire our ETP students to be more confident and brave about starting their businesses in the near future. ETP participants engaged highly during this session and even post-session ♥.



ETP Session 3: Share from and Talk with Entrepreneur Jeremy Andrews

MUN students, alums and staff are welcome to register for this special topic session hosted by the School of Graduate Studies, Entrepreneurial Inspiration Program-Summer 2024 ♥ Please do not register if you are aready a current ETP participant in the Entrepreneurial Inspiration Program- Summer 2024.

Our guest speaker, Jeremy is a mechanical engineer and programming enthusiast who co-founded CoLab after running into the same problem everywhere in the industry: the tools available to engineering teams were decades behind the software industry. From captaining Memorial University's award-winning SAE Baja team and working as a designer on the Paradigm Hyperloop team to experience with industry heavy-hitters like Tesla and General Dynamics, one of Jeremy's many accomplishments includes designing "the most complex wire harness ever used in a Tesla battery pack.

Our guest speaker's bio can be read here: About Us - CoLab (


At a glance: Session 3 ETP Summer 2024

On June 20, 2024, The Entrepreneurial Inspiration Summer 2024 hosted a session: Share from and talk with Entrepreneur Heather Elliott. Many thanks to Heather, a Marine Researcher - Original Shipster, for her helpful and excellent presentation! We have learned much from her business journey, experience, and talents. It inspires our ETP students to be more confident about starting and becoming “solopreneurs” in the near future! There was a high engagement of ETP participants during this session.


ETP Session 3: Share from and Talk with an Entrepreneur-Heather Elliott

MUN students, alums and staff are welcome to register for this special topic session hosted by the School of Graduate Studies, Entrepreneurial Inspiration Program-Summer 2024 ♥ Please do not register if you are aready a current ETP participant in the Entrepreneurial Inspiration Program- Summer 2024.

Our guest speaker's bio can be read here


At a glance: Session 1 ETP Summer 2024

On June 6, 2024, The Entrepreneurial Inspiration Summer 2024 hosted a session: Developing Your Entrepreneurial Mindset. Many thanks to Dr. Carlos Bazan, Engineering Chair in Entrepreneurship at MUN, for his helpful and excellent presentation! There was a high engagement of ETP participants during this session.


ETP Session 1: Developing Your Entrepreneurial Mindset

MUN students, alums and staff are welcome to register for this special topic session hosted by the School of Graduate Studies, Entrepreneurial Inspiration Program-Summer 2024 ♥ Please do not register if you are aready a current ETP participant in the Entrepreneurial Inspiration Program- Summer 2024.

Our guest speaker's bio can be read here


Beautiful breakthrough

ETP is giving 'big picture' guidance to an Engineering and Applied Science student to co-develop the BeauSync app and is readying its launch

Kelvin Idogun (left), a doctoral candidate in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, and Memorial alumnus Dr. Cleverson Esene (right) co-developed the BeauSync app and are readying its launch. His entrepreneurial journey is deeply intertwined with his experiences at Memorial University. Participation in the Entrepreneurship Training Program-Discover in fall 2023 and the Genesis Evolution Program has been pivotal in shaping the vision and development of BeauSync.

Check out the full article Beautiful breakthrough!




Brewing up business

ETP giving ‘big picture’ guidance to MBA student turned Lab City brewer.

Craft breweries are hugely popular across the island of Newfoundland, but the movement has yet to take off in Labrador. Enter brothers Brian and Dave Hurley.

Check out the full article here!


Student Profile: Jill Hurd

Jill Hurd had caught the entrepreneurship bug long before she arrived at Memorial University, but the Entrepreneurship Training Program helped nurture it. She completed the program while she was a PhD student in Community Heath.

Her goal was to grow Rep the Rock, a side business where she makes jewellery by hand. As stunning as the pieces are, the fund associated with it is even more beautiful...

Check out the full article here!

Check out the full magazine here!



You Do Not Have to Be in the Faculty of Business to Want to Start Your Own Business: The Entrepreneurship Training Program in the School of Graduate Studies at Memorial University

Going forward, the Entrepreneurship Training Program Coordinator will have a regular column in the Newfoundland & Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs' quarterly magazine, The Advisor!

For the first article, we offer a profile of the program and some ideas on how you can get involved. In future issues, we'll have profiles on some of our successful graduates of the program. 

Check out the full article here!

Check out the full magazine here!



Entrepreneurship Training Program doubles intake, pairs with Genesis

This fall, for the first time, the School of Graduate Studies will offer two concurrent Entrepreneurship Training Program sessions for full-time graduate students working to turn their business ideas into reality.

Post-doctoral scholar creates low cost, efficient water analysis

Stefana Egli is so excited about her polymer coating that she carries a little glass slide wherever she goes.

“It’s like my baby,” she said, fishing one out of her pocket.

The “baby” is more commonly known as a MIP, or molecularly imprinted polymer, that allows for portable cost-effective water analysis. When exposed to water, the MIP, which is smaller than a quarter, can absorb certain compounds that normally dissolve in water.



Local tech company receives $2 million in follow-on funding

HeyOrca knows that after delivering on your promises, the second most important factor in client retention is successful communications.