David Onalo
Personal Profile:
David Onalo is a Nigerian Native who currently resides in St. John’s, Newfoundland. He is currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Oil and Gas Engineering at Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN). David’s research was focused on near-wellbore geomechanical interactions during smart water injection. He is now focusing on pore-scale characterization of formation damage associated with smart water enhanced oil recovery. David is a Project Management Professional (PMP) with experience in the energy sector where he was involved in projects for subsea systems, process systems design, refinery, decommissioning, plant operation and optimization. David has volunteered in various capacities during his studies in Russia (Bachelor in Engineering), United Kingdom (MSc and MBA), and currently in Canada (PhD.) At Memorial University, he is a MUN Ambassador, MUN Mentor, Student Career Adviser, President of the European Association Geoscientist and Engineers (EAGE) -MUN student chapter, taxation volunteer, and community reach out service volunteer with the internationalization office. In his free time, he loves traveling, new experiences, playing soccer, basketball, listening to music or reading a book.