Message from the Interim Associate Dean, Research

Rocky Taylor 2025

The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science is committed to research excellence.

With its state-of-the-art research facilities, the faculty is home to experts of theoretical and/or applied research in the areas of civil; computer; electrical; mechanical; ocean and naval architectural; and process engineering.

Within an environment fostering collaboration, the faculty holds industry-sponsored research chair appointments, as well as renowned Canada Research Chair positions.

The faculty is home to prominent research labs in autonomous vehicles, digital systems, energy systems, environmental engineering, marine hydrodynamics, fluids and hydraulics, marine safety, oil recovery, mechatronics, structural engineering, process engineering, remote sensing, as well as wireless, optical and underwater communications and networking.

Multidisciplinary research centres in the faculty include the Ocean Engineering Research Centre (OERC) and the Centre for Risk, Integrity and Safety Engineering (C-RISE). In addition, in 2021, research and development was supported by more than 10 million through more than 200 grants and contracts with numerous government agencies and laboratories, as well industry – with 21 new funds dedicated to entrepreneurship.

Another growing area of research in our faculty is green technology. Our researchers have advanced in various areas and contributed to building a greener, technologically advanced provincial economy and to Canada’s Blue Economy.

Outstanding faculty, modern research infrastructure and exceptional research support team position us to further strengthen our partnerships, leadership and reputation in research and innovation, while contributing to technological advancements to positively impact our society.

Dr. Rocky Taylor
Interim Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science