Dr. Khalid Al-Nabhani completes his doctor of philosophy degree with distinction

Khalid Al-Nabhani, a doctor of philosophy (PhD) student who was supervised by Dr. Faisal Khan, passed his final oral examination and thesis defense with distinction on March 17, 2017.
Dr. Al-Nabhani began his studies at Memorial in 2014. His research topic was "Risk assessment and management of technologically enhanced naturally occurring nuclear radioactive material (TENORM) in the oil and gas industry”. He completed his undergraduate studies in mechanical engineering at Sultan Qaboos University in Oman. He has 15 years of work experience in technical, management and leadership assignments in the oil and gas industry.
“I was proud of being part of the C-RISE, which is a professional platform for researchers to share knowledge and expertise,” said Dr. AI-Nabhani. “I would like to send many thanks to my supervisor Dr. Faisal Khan, and funding support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and ALNabhani Oil and Gas Service (AOGS). I am highly indebted to my family and friends.”
Over the past three years, Dr. Al-Nabhani has published five papers in peer-reviewed journals. On the review of available data of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Nuclear Radioactive Materials (TENORM), he redefined TENORM from technical and scientific perspectives and explained how spectral gamma ray logging technology helps to prove the presence of Nuclear Radioactive Materials NORM as an indication of oil and gas presence. He also identified the current knowledge and technical gap in the understanding and management of TENORM. Based on the analysis of TENORM waste disposal options, he developed a scenario-based risk assessment of disposal methods used for TENORM waste in the oil and gas industry as well as a simulation of a real case scenario of TENORM waste disposed in an evaporation pond using RESRAD (version 6.5) to evaluate the performance of current disposal methods. The further studies of dynamic modeling and risk assessment of TENORM occupational exposure in the oil and gas industry were achieved by integrating SHIPP ( System Hazard Identification, Prediction and Prevention) methodology and Rational Theory (SMART approach). It bridges the knowledge gap by modeling workforce TENORM radiation exposure at different oil and gas operation stages. The developed approach provided a systematic and comprehensive risk assessment framework based on safety barrier performance evaluation and analysis. The fifth paper was presenting science-based solutions as a part of TENORM risk assessment and management systems developed for the oil and gas industry to prevent radiation occupational exposure and to manage safely TENORM waste.
Congratulations to Dr. Al-Nabhani on the completion of his PhD degree and all the best for future career success.