Mawuli K. Afenyo

Dr. Mawuli K. Afenyo completed his PhD studies under the supervision of Profs. Brian Veitch and Faisal Khan. His PhD focussed on assessing the risk, fate and transport of hydrocarbon release during Arctic shipping. This work is interdisciplinary in nature and focused on improving the safety of shipping in Arctic regions.
After graduation Mawuli worked as a postdoctoral fellow and sessional instructor at the Transport Institute and the Supply Chain Management department of the Asper School of Business of the University of Manitoba. During this period he worked on the ‘GENICE’ Project (Microbial Genomics for Oil Spill Preparedness in Canada's Arctic Marine Environment, a CAD 10.7 million project that involves 6 Canadian universities, website:, and the project entitled Climate Change and Adaptation Planning for Ports, and other projects within University of Manitoba. Further he has co-founded CCAPPTIA a consulting and research organisation with more than 50+ researchers and practitioners (see He has also consulted for companies like the Climate Bond Initiative , serving as an expert on resilience and FairVentures
Mawuli was one of the research scientists onboard the CCGS Amundsen, the Canadian Coast guard ice breaker during the expedition through the North West Passage, during which the northern most part of the route was reached for the first time. He won the KLU- young researcher award for his work on “A method for assessing the socio-economic impact of oil spills generated by Arctic shipping” . He has co-authored 20+ publications including 3 book chapters.

Research Interest

Oil spill modeling, Bayesian network, Uncertainty analysis


  1. Afenyo, M., Khan, F., and Veitch, B., 2015. A state-of-the-art review of fate and transport of oil spills in open and ice-covered water. Ocean Engineering. 119:233-248.
  2. Afenyo, M., Khan, F. Veitch, B., and Yang, M., 2016. Modeling oil weathering and transport in sea ice. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 107(1):206-215.
  3. Afenyo, M., Khan, F. Veitch, B., and Yang, M., 2016. Dynamic fugacity model for accidental oil release during Arctic shipping. Marine Pollution Bulletin (in press-online).
  4. Afenyo, M., Khan, F. Veitch, B., and Yang, M., 2016. An exploratory review of weathering and transport modeling of accidental oil releases in Arctic waters. Arctic Technology Conference. St. John’s.

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