Trip to Argentia

Class of 2024 visits Argentia

The senior Civil Class of 2024 visited the world-class construction site of the Cenovus Concrete Gravity Structure in Argentia, Placentia Bay Newfoundland. Several of the students had performed work on the project during prior coop work terms. The site engineer hosting the tour is a graduate of the program and active client mentor for the civil capstone course. 

“Getting into the field, whether it is on a field trip or during a co-op work term engages all the senses and makes it an invaluable learning experience. Its also more fun and builds relationships in an environment outside the classroom!”, said Stephen Bruneau, Associate Professor and Director of Industrial Outreach.

This huge platform will be floated out of the drydock, mated with topsides and enter active service 350km offshore at the 120m deep West White Rose Oil production site.