Fire and Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Emergency evacuation plans are located in strategic locations on each floor of all campus buildings. Members of the university community should become familiar with these plans as well as the location of fire alarm stations, emergency exits, and fire extinguishers in their area. In the event that a building needs to be evacuated for any reason, a fire alarm will be activated.
If You Discover Fire, See Smoke Or Smell Gas:
- Sound alarm to warn occupants (Fire alarm pull station);
- Evacuate IMMEDIATELY using the nearest safe exit, proceed outside, and clear the building to a minimum distance of 100 m (300 feet) to the nearest assembly point: DO NOT USE ELEVATORS FOR EVACUATION PURPOSES;
- If you require assistance to evacuate:
a. take shelter in a safe location,
b. inform someone of your location, and
c. ask them to notify CEP or Fire Department (Main Entrance) of your location. - If trained to do so, fight fire using a fire extinguisher only if it is small and not between you and an exit; and
- Call Campus Enforcement and Patrol (St. John’s 709-864-4100,Grenfell 709-637-2888)
If The Fire Alarm Sounds:
- Stop all work and remain calm;
- Evacuate IMMEDIATELY using the nearest safe exit, proceed outside, and clear the building to a minimum distance of 100 m (300 feet) to the nearest assembly point: DO NOT USE ELEVATORS FOR EVACUATION PURPOSES;
- If you require assistance to evacuate:
a. take shelter in a safe location,
b. inform someone of your location, and
c. ask them to notify CEP or Fire Department (Main Entrance) of your location. - Do not attempt to remove any vehicle from the parking lot/garage;
- Obey all instructions of the Emergency Wardens and CEP;
- Comply with Fire Department orders; and
- Return to the building only when CEP has authorized you to do so.
For more information on Fire Prevention and Response please contact Environmental Health and Safety.