Part III



Amanda Lyver
Krista MacDonald
Misty MacDonald
Darren MacWhirter
Carrie Maher
Christa Maher
Kara Manning
Melissa McCarthy
April McDonald
Carol Menchions
Amanda Mercer
Krystle Mercer

Holly Miller
Amanda Milley
Amber Milley
Jennifer Molloy
Krista Molloy
Tyson Molloy
Kelli Moores
Daphne Morgan
Sylvia Mouland
Bridget Murphy
Leanne Murphy
Sherri Murphy
Heidi Nixon
Katherine Noel
Sheri Noftle
Becky Norris
Heather Noseworthy
Kimberley Noseworthy
Stacey Noseworthy
Angela Nurse
Donna Oake
Cindy O'Brien
Nadine O'Rielly
Ashley Pardy
Cindy Parsons
Janice Parsons
Amy Power

Where I Come From…
By Amanda Lyver

1 come from the winds and the roaring sea.

I come from the tranquil shore, and the salty
breeze that fills the midnight air.

1 come from the shady brooks and the old pine trees,
that stand so strong and tall.

I come from Catherine and Eric,
two lovers who shared one dream.

I come from the smell of baked bread and molasses
buns that linger in my house.

I come from the old oak trunk,
that holds my memories so near.

I come from a place that I call home.

Where I Come From…
By Krista MacDonald

I come from Allan and Bernice
I come from windows covered with salt spray.
I come from birch tree castles and acorn feasts.

I come from old family portraits.
I come from sea side picnics of peanut butter sandwiches.
I come from apple trees and wild roses.

I come from twisting roads and little bridges.
I come from dark nights lighted by many stars.
I come from molasses buns and tea.

I come from the land of my little ponies.
I come from wild strawberries and milk.
I come from fern and daisy bouquets.

I come from eating supper on the stairs.
I come from embroidery lessons of nursery rhymes.
I come from building camps in the woods.

I come from Little House on the Prairie.
I come from homemade ice cream chilled in snow.
I come from road trips to far off places.

Where I Come From…
By Misty MacDonald

1 come from a town
Built by the United States Military

1 come from a house
Surrounded by love and protection

I come from a yard
Where my dogs like to run and play

I come from Robert and Diane MacDonald,
Who emphasize education and ambition

1 come from a sister,
A role-model and motivator

I come from Sunday afternoon car rides
I come from Lobster, Steak and Turkey dinners
I come from feather pillows, and hand woven quilts
I come from sunflowers, suns, moons and dolls
I come from a lot of love and guidance

But Most Of All...

I come from dreams
Turned into realities with help
from my family and friends.

Where I Come From…
By Darren MacWhirter

I came from Saturday cartoons and Mork and Mindy
Street hockey and hide-and-go-seek
Sledding at the hill on School nights
Sunday morning hockey practice and boiled eggs and bacon
A skating rink in the back yard and a shed full of hockey puck marks
A family of seven who watched eight is enough and related
A secure home life where no body screamed
A childhood full of fond memories
A Dad who was my hockey coach and friend
A mom who gave me everything I ever wanted
Brothers and sisters who were very funny
A good family who always keeps in touch.

Where I Come From…
By Carrie Maher

I come from a place where the air's fresh and clean,
And where nightly millions of stars can be seen.

1 come from friendship, kindness and smiles,
And green grass and mountains that go on for miles.

I come from a place that is quiet and calm,
When the sun is so beautiful as it rises at dawn.

I come from a town where noone is a stranger,
Where you can walk late at night without any danger.

I come from a family with a sister and brother,
Who are all very close and protect one another.

I come from Sunday dinners and homemade bread,
And home-knit blankets to put on your bed.

I come from swimming holes, rivers and streams,
And scenery and views only seen in dreams.

I come from winters of snow angels and sliding,
And snowballs thrown from forts where children were hiding.

I come from Barbies, Rainbow Brite and L.A Gear,
And easy-bake ovens, popples, crimped hair.

I come from a place where togetherness is known,
A place called Placentia that I'm proud to call 'home.'

Where I Come From…
By Christa Maher

I come from a house that sits above the city.

I come from maple tress that hide my bedroom window.

I come from playing "Pippy Long Stocking" in my recroom.

I come from the cheerful question "how did it go today?"

I come from comical grandparents who always tell the truth.

I come from crowded Sunday dinners of turkey and roast beef.

I come from the aroma of blueberry cake during September months.

I come from parents who taught me the value of hard work
to gain rewards.

I come from happy memories written on our camper walls.

I come from weekends away from home filled with
hiking, swimming and fishing.

I come from the view that children are our future.

I come from a dream of being a memorable teacher.

Where I Come From…
By Kara Manning

I come from a long road filled with classmates and an
awesome pond for skidooing and Friday night bonfires.

I come from a house built with my dad's two hands, filled
with childhood memories that will never be forgotten.

I come from a huge backyard with a forest that often
became a virtual getaway from everyday life.

I come from The Smurfs, Knight Rider, and Fraggle Rock.
And when Saturday morning television used to be fun.

I come from pot roast and homemade bread,
and from weekly family visits that cease to exist
now except on special occasions.

I come from Dan and Alana, Cupid's mismatch,
who divorced when I was 6.

I come from Torbay, have spent the majority of my life in
St. John's and I now live in Paradise.
Where do I come from? I come from home.

Where I Come From…
By Melissa McCarthy

I come from a back porch swing with
the wind blowing up from the valley

I come from the mountains with the
rippling water of the pond down below

I come from a place where everyone
is family and there is little crime

I come from hills and valleys where
you can pick berries as colourful as a rainbow

I come from a place where the sea
is like an endless garden surrounding me

I come from Joann, Jolene and Melissa
and from parties Friday nights

I come from a place where we have
turkey dinner on Sunday and
open one present Christmas eve

I come from back home in Upper Island Cove.
Who knows where I'll end up??

Where I Come From…
By April McDonald

I come from an island in the sea
with no cars, just boats and ATV's.

I come from a tiny fishing town
with Cod jigging, Mussel dragging and scoffs on the beach.

I come from a house by the pond
with a dory to play in while catching stickle backs and frogs.

I come from endless hours of dolls on the deck
with jump rope and tag on the dirt road out back.

I come from playing cards on Sunday
with laughter, family dinners and get togethers.

I come from wood stoves in winter
with bon fires, wiener roasts and sliding on the roads.

I come form baked bread and fried fish
with Blueberry cheesecake and homemade soup.

I come from a special place of love,
It's a home to me.

Where I Come From…
By Carol Menchions

I come from a house
facing Signal Hill.
Its hills, its trees, its noon day gun.

I come from street hockey played in the evening light
and flashlights, playing spotlight,
on hot summer nights

I come from Teresa and Phil.
Five children, a dog, and two cats.
A stay-at-home Mom, a nine-to-five Dad.

Where I Come From…
By Amanda Mercer

I come from a seaside town filled with friendly people.

I come from a home filled with love and laughter.

I come from a little red brick house on a quiet street.

I come from a very close family.

I come from Pea Soup on Saturdays.

I come from visits to Nova Scotia beaches with my grandparents.

I come from tap shoes, ballet slippers, and piano lessons.

Where I Come From…
By Krystle Mercer

I come from the community of Shearstown,
On the Island of Newfoundland.
Farming is what we are known for
As well as the Shearstown Brass Band.

I come from summers spent trouting
With my family around the bay.
And winters spent playing in the snow
That lasted 'til the month of May.

I come from farmers and fisherman,
Carpenters, teachers as well.
Who taught me about my history,
Through the stories that they tell.

I come from a family who loves me,
Supports and encourages me too,
And always ensures that I try my best
In everything that I do.

Where I Come From…
By Holly Miller

I come from an acre trees and soil
Used for hiding and playing and growing.

I come from early weekday mornings
With the smell of bacon and burnt toast.

I come from paper dolls in fancy paper dresses
Ready for opera on Sunday afternoons.

I come from peanut butter and banana sandwiches
And stolen handfuls candy corn.

I come from a world of imagination;
Games played with April and Rainbow-Brite.

I come from the ocean; Always remembering
crashing waves and salty wind on my face.

Where I Come From…
By Amanda Milley

I come from a house with yellow shag carpet
Still comforting to the touch

I come from a street with smeared chaulk etches
Memories of laughter bound within its dust

I come from sprays of salt water
Carried by a strong wind on a sunny afternoon

I come from Eric and Linda
Educators, inspirators and loving parents

I come from an artistic kaleidoscope
Charged by expression of emotion, expression of thought

I come from chocolate cheesecake and Hersey's kisses
Food for the mind and soul

I come from "Merry Christmases", and "happy birthdays"
Filled with the spirit of family and friends

I come from fresh cut grass on a hazy summer evening
When laziness runs from my head to the tips of my toes

Where I Come From…
By Amber Milley

I come from a road that leads to a beach
And from a home with cats in every window

I come from a place where the number of stars
That shine on the lake are the same as in the sky

I come from voice lessons and piano playing
And my brother and I filling every crevice with our music

I come from weekends of BBQs and the smell of campfires

I come from Emily and Roy, apart but both are always there;
My mother my best friend

I come from nature where every woodland dweller is my dearest friend,
Every tree is my elder

I come from the Ivory Tower in the land of Fantasia,
Both my brother, Atreyu, and I, the Child-like Empress

Where I Come From…
By Jennifer Molloy

I come from a harbor where fishing is known,
and from a house surrounded by trees that have grown.

I come from a garden where flowers do bloom,
and the smell of fresh cut grass, of lilacs.

I come from Tom and Mary,
educators and caregivers, friends to all.

Where I Come From…
By Krista Molloy

I come from a community by the sea.

I come from fisherman and farmers.

From hardwork and perseverance.

I come from dewy sunny mornings and cold foggy nights.

I come from bakeapple jam and cooked Sunday dinner.

I come from Albert and Elizabeth.

I come from close friends and family, from commitment and
loyalty, laughter and tears.

Where I Come From…
By Tyson Molloy

Where I come from is such a wonderful place,
everywhere you turn, there is always a friendly face.
With mountains so high and trees so tall,
I hope I can return there again this fall.
The boats, they are a plenty,
and tons of fish to catch,
each time I think about it,
I realize that this place is my match.
To listen to the ocean roar is like music to my ears,
hopefully, I will be living there in upcoming years.
Living a lifestyle by the sea is what life is all about to me,
where I come from is where I want to be.

Where I Come From…
By Kelli Moores

I come from a family of five, me being the baby

I come from Violet and David , 'bay girl' and 'townie'

I come from Friday night treats of Venice Pizzeria

I come from evenings of soccer and nights of spotlight

I come from14 Brett Place, the cul-de-sac with no end

I come from trips around the bay for summer vacation

I come from Scottish and Irish descent

I come from pan-fried cod with carrots and potatoes

I come from sharing a hot pink room with my sister

I come from weekends of bonfires at the cabin

I come from an annual street celebration of barbeque and

I come from Sunday night brownies and Wednesday night piano

Where I Come From…
By Daphne Morgan

I come from a house where bread dough is kneaded
in clanging bowls before sunrise,
and where my drawing desk was placed by a large window.

I come from under maple trees that reach to tickle
clouds with their green fingers,
and where apple trees supply fruit for autumn pies.

I come from Daphne whose hands are rough from
working, playing and loving.

Where I Come From…
By Sylvia Mouland

Where I come from the sandy beach stretches for miles.
From my bedroom window the sound of the waves crashing help me
drift off to sleep.

Where I come from Friendly faces fill the streets.
"Good Day" and "How Do You Do" are greetings you will hear.

Where I come from family and friends are valued and loved.
I come from a home that is filled with sounds of laughter and smells
of homemade goodies.
When I am away, I miss where I come from.

Where I Come From…
By Bridget Murphy

I come from Sarah and James Churchill, hard workers, lovers of life.

I come from a large family, eleven children where
loneliness was foreign term.

I come from a lively house, bustling, chattering, laughing, and activity
abundant. A house filled with voices.

I come from a home of wondrous smells, homemade bread, molasses,
cookies, hearty meals.

I come from a land surrounded by water; an adventurous beach lay
beneath us, a playground of wonder.

I come from meadows smelling of fresh grass, trees, flowers,
and animals grazing leisurely.

I come from the top of a hill, a large white house bottling
my fondest memories of childhood.

I come from a beautiful island, friends, family, heritage,
and culture abundant.

The Goulds
By Leanne Murphy

On the edge of St. John's there is a little place
Where the land is rich and the fields open
Where there is many a farm and many a cow
A place where it's not hard to find a farmer and his plow

It is not a place that's on the edge of the sea
Where fish is at the heart of everyone's glee
The land is our promise the thing we treasure
We look to our green fields and they give us great pleasure

I come from the Goulds I am proud to say
Our crops start to bloom in early or late May
A great time for you to come out our way
Be sure to come and see us on the next sunny day

Where I Come From…
By Sherri Murphy

I come from a street where all the children play,
and from a house with a balcony where you can watch the sunset.

I come from the yard where we planted our first tree,
and friendly neighbours, of dogs and quiet in the city.

I come from Sonya, John, Shirley, old and new,
forever there.

Where I Come From…
By Heidi Nixon

I come from a house on a hill,
That is noisy and bustling with activity, and not just at Christmas.

I come from Robert and Sandra,
An entrepreneur, and a chameleon that changes colors
and roles to suit six children,
And enough pets to open a petting zoo.

I come from supper tables that have so many different
conversations going on at once,
Our guests resemble Linda Blair, in The Exorcist, with their
Bulging eyes and spinning heads.

I come from a world of play, dress-up and make-believe.

I come from television shows that only my family seems to remember.

I come from doing good deeds such as choosing Danny Wood from
NKOTB as my favorite, because I thought no one else would like him
(He kind of resembled a monkey, did he not?).

I come from singing in the shower at the top of my lungs,
Never missing a beat, but rarely hitting a note.

I come from always having to stand in the center of the back row,
Until the phenomenon in grade nine occurred, I shrunk as others grew,
And I became off-centered. . . but still in the back row.

I come from GT snow-racing down the hill in my backyard, only to discover
That brakes actually refers to the fact that your tooth breaks…
when you plow through
The wooden fence at the bottom (it all looks like snow if it's painted white!).

I come from reading in bed by a sliver of light from the hall,
And deserving an Emmy award for pretending to be asleep when
My parents checked in on me.

I come from dreams, goals and an endless imagination...

Where I Come From...
By Katherine Noel

I come from maple trees and apple blossoms.

I come from one hill overlooking another and the view of the ocean.

I come from the sound of children playing and laughter.

I come from Peter and Karen who achieve goals and dreams together.

I come from homemade brownies with hot fudge icing and ice cream on top.

I come from tortières on Christmas Eve and Pepsi.

I come from sing-a-longs and dance recitals.

I come from the smell of wood stoves burning, eucalyptus, and mothballs.

I come from African violets and warm handmade quilts.

I come from tire swings and bunk beds.

I come from teddy bears, warm and fuzzy thoughts, and sweet dreams.

Where I Come From…
By Sheri Noftle

I come from atop a high plateau beside a freshwater lake.

I come from an evergreen forest teeming with Black Spruce and Balsam Fir.

I come from a street on the outskirts of a quiet town.

I come from a house that dances with the love of a happy family.

I come from the chatter and laughter of busy lunch hours.

I come from fairy tales and princesses and playing dress-up with my little sister.

I come from the music of VOCM echoing throughout the kitchen as mom prepares supper.

I come from the shouts and screams of children as they play in their backyards.

I come from Glenda and Rick, providers, protectors, and partners forever.

I come from bacon and eggs for Sunday brunch and turkey late in the evening.

I come from Brownies and Girl Guides and 1ong hours of piano lessons.

I come from many hockey stories and tales of our once prosperous mining town.

I come from mornings of laundry and the smell of clean clothes
as it is hung in the sun to dry.

I come from all of the precious memories and treasures
of a bright and wonderful past.

Where I Come From…
By Becky Norris

I come from a sandy shore beside the ocean.

I come from a house my Great-grandfather, Gideon, built.

I come from Mave and Ran who gave me legs to stand and wings to fly.

I come from shell collections and horse-back riding.

I come from beach parties and garden weddings.

I come from boil-ups at Mussel Shells.

I come from strawberry patches and bakeapple freelee.

I come from the sounds of waves and the smell of the landwash.

Where I Come From…
By Heather Noseworthy

I come from a street that leads to the freeway and a house filled with love
laughter and happiness, overlooking the twisted pavement

I come from sponge rollers and pink dress and high heel shoes,
for Sundays and play dates

I come from mom and dad, determined, dedicated and just,
laborers for the family

Where I Come From…
By Kimberley Noseworthy

I come from parents who love me
and instill in me the values and morals that guide me
and encourage me to be the best I can be.

I come from a childhood where I could dream and pretend
and believe that wishes on stars came true.

I come from a home that is warm
and is my refuge from life's complexities
and inequalities and frustrations.

I come from a life of experiences and expectations that have inspired
who I am
and I wouId not change a thing.

Where I Come From…
By Stacey Noseworthy

I come from a street that is up on a hill
in a house with a deck overlooking a city.

I come from grass, flowers and trees
in a house on a hill overlooking a city.

I come from my parents
who decided to build the house overlooking the city.

Where I Come From…
By Angela Nurse

I come from Schreyer Crescent in Power's Pond.

I come from the Pearl, where the bang was like a wave.

I come from trots to the store for Mr. Freezies.

I come from 50 cents worth of candy and Haagen-Dazs.

I come from roller blade competitions.

I come from Cochrane Pond and The Beach Boys.

I come from my Dad the brave, strong, and patient.

I come from my Mother who sang me to sleep.

I come from dance lessons and choir practice.

I come from bowls of blueberries and milk.

I come from Nan's chocolate fudge.

I come from homemade play dough and a kitchen full of tupperware.

I come from tangles and frizz.

I come from sky rides across the water.

I come from best friends like Katie.

I come from Grease and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.

Where I Come From…
By Donna Oake

I come from an island, surrounded by sea.
I come from a home that's white and pretty.
I come from Nora and Leyton, who believed in and feared God.
I come from a fishing village, built upon cod.

I come from housework and visits from family.
I come from Sunday dinners, followed by "Kisses" candy.
I come from school and church lessons that taught me to believe.
I come from the smell of bread, where there were many to feed.

I come from a fishery that ran out of fish.
I come from tired, old people who no longer can wish.
I come from roads and fields that are all overgrown.
I come from a place that I no longer call home.

Where I Come From…
By Cindy O'Brien

I come from a homestead where neighbours are good friends

I come from a high school where teachers know students' last names

I come from a house of home-cooked meals

I come from a family that gathers for every occasion

I come from parents who love and are loved

I come from softball and "Tomboy" games

I come from BBQ's on hot days and spotlight as a child

I come from good friends who are always there

Where I Come From…
By Nadine O'Rielly

I come from a place small and free
where the chill of the air blows from the sea
A humble Island where everyone is known
for many years I had lived and grown

I come from a family that made me believe
that to live life, you have to love life and also grieve
As a child with an older sister and brother
we learned through the years to depend on each other

I come from a childhood where memories were made
many will stay in my heart forever, though others will fade
I come from a home where we loved to celebrate
Sunday masses and Christmas dinners would never be late

I come from a home that I will never forget
from the singing to the laughing and always the family pet
I come from St. Brendan's an Island faraway
where the rising of the sun brings another special day

Where I Come From…
By Ashley Pardy

I come from a place where nobody is a stranger,
Where children can play without any danger.

I come from a neighborhood where everyone lends a hand,
Whether cooking or cleaning we help all we can.

I come from a family where hard work is key,
Who did all they could to provide a good life for me.

I come from a garden where children play for hours,
With grass and trees and rocks and flowers.

I come from a beautiful place that I love,
Where the sound of the sea is a whisper from above.

Where I Come From...
By Cindy Parsons

I come from snow and cold.
I come from piano lessons
and playing saxophone in the band.
I come from a family of four.
I come from pictures of friends
and runs for the border on Friday afternoons.
I come from music and dancing.
I come from gatherings for coffee
and movies and popcorn.

Where I Come From…
By Janice Parsons

I come from apple wallpaper and hardwood floors.
I come from a big blue house across from a little green store.
I come from a cool breeze off the beautiful bay
I come from singers and entertainers.
I come from "up the point" not "in the road".
I come from Sunday dinners at Nan's around the arm.
I come from loud and happy family gatherings.
I come from riding bike and baseball in Tucker's Field.
I come from sand and slate.
I come from my very own photo album on the shelf.

Where I Come From…
By Amy Power

Where I come from is wonderful.

Where I come from has history.

Where I come from has bright, smiling,
welcoming faces.

Where I come from is slow, peaceful and quiet.

Where I come from is a wonderful place to live.