Understanding and Addressing Evolutions in "Scientific
Literacy" Using Web-based Tools
What does it mean to know (about) science? This question is at the core
of the concept of "Scientific Literacy", and this concept is under
considerable discussion amongst both professional communities (scientists,
science educators, politicians) and the general public. Although there is
a general consensus that scientific literacy is important, both for ones'
own life as well as for effective participation in the democratic process,
there is much less consensus as to exactly what science literacy is. Over
the past two decades the concept of "science literacy" has undergone some
considerable changes as we have come both to better understand student
learning and to gain new insights into the actual laboratory and field
practices of scientists. To adapt to these changes in what we perceive
"science literacy" to be, modified classroom approaches need to be
considered. This paper first provides an overview of the concept of
literacy about "science" and how perspectives on it are changing, and then
introduces a web-based tool for use by high school science students that
is designed to help them develop these new literacies. Understanding about the last two characterizations has grown
considerably in the last three decades, most particularly through the
efforts of sociologists of science who study scientists conducting their
day-to-day work in their laboratories, field settings, at conferences, and
so on. These sociologists of science report that how scientists actually
engage in their work often little resemble the practices of 'how science
is done' that is reflected in their scientific publications and
presentations (Bowen & Roth, 2002; Latour, 1997; Latour & Woolgar,
1986; Pickering, 1995) not a particularly surprising finding given that
text usually underdetermines action (although there's a bit more to it
than that in the sociology of science findings). Nor, for that matter,
does their work much resemble what students learn about in school
settings. What has been learned in the last 20 years through ethnographic
studies of science research settings is that science is full of much more
creativity, personality conflict, argumentation and disagreement, and "by
the seat of the pants" approaches than was previously documented (see
Bagioli, 1999 for a collection of articles supporting this). Not only
that, but that floundering with initial approaches, trying multiple
methods with ongoing failure (reporting only the successes in journals),
personal dislikes and enmities, post-hoc creation of hypotheses and so on
are not uncommon practice in the conduct of research (Collins & Pinch,
1998a, 1998b; Bowen & Roth, 2002; Roth & Bowen, 1991, 2001; Latour
& Woolgar, 1986; Pickering, 1995; Rabinow, 1996, Knorr-Cetina, 1999).
This is a very different science than the clean and ordered "objective"
science we teach in textbooks, sounding very "messy" at times and much
less ordered and organized in actual practice. Effectively, journal
articles sanitize science research and usually present science research as
"clean" and often non-problematic in practice and outcome; not the rough
and tumble "science-in-the-making" from which the claims actually emerged
(although the intended recipient audience, other scientists in the
discipline, probably understand the ambiguities, intricacies and
subjectivities present in the practices so for them this sanitization is
less problematic; it is the non-target audience using those articles that
often do not bring an interpretive framework that allows a contextualized
interpretation). Apart from that, as a field matures practices become more
standardized as issues of method are resolved, but such is not the case at
the beginning as new areas of research and methods are refined and
developed. This perspective represents a considerable revolution in science
curriculum and definitions of science literacy, because a more current
definition of science literacy is one which involves educating students in
all three characteristics of science (as defined above) (Bencze et al,
2003; Bencze & Elshof, 2004; Hodson, 1999, 2003). Since the 1990's an
approach to science teaching called authentic science inquiry (see Roth,
1995) has been promoted in both research literature and in faculties of
education. This was in response to research that suggested that students
understanding of science concepts and practices was inextricably
intertwined with their understanding of, and experience with, scientific
practicesCmost especially those with considerable similarity to those
reported by sociologists studying the work of scientists. As originally
defined, "authentic" science problems in classrooms are ill-defined,
contain uncertainties and ambiguities with respect to methodology and
potential outcomes, are driven by the learner's current knowledge, involve
participation in a community which negotiates both practices and meaning
of the data, and involves students working on (related but) different
problems where they can draw on each others' experiences and insights
(Roth, 1995). "Do-Ability" in science: Students are frequently instructed that they
"must repeat your treatments five times", or some other such absolutist
statement. However, the practice of science seems to have two boundaries
on what are considered acceptable practices and replication. Firstly,
accepted methodological practices are usually those which are do-able in
the context the scientist is working in. Standards often shift as the
context of investigation shifts. The idea that there is a single agreed
upon method for investigation seems to have emerged from tightly
controlled physics laboratory investigations, but poorly reflect much of
the initial (science-in-the-making) investigatory work done in most of the
sciences. The degree of acceptable replication is also a shifting
standard, although it is related to the degree of confidence in the
outcome. In many field sciences even infrequent activities by a few
individual organisms are reported in the literature. In those contexts,
scientists "hedge" their claims more, but are still able to publish their
findings. In laboratory contexts, however, higher standards for control
and replication are held to be necessary to draw claims. However, the
standard of evidence varies widely across disciplines and is generally
that which is considered acceptable to others working in the area as
opposed to being some arbitrarily set standard. Thus, it is members of the
community which negotiate acceptability, and engaging students in such a
setting is found to improve their understanding both of the nature of
science and the interpretation of scientific claims. Some research also suggests that enacting Aauthentic science@,
including the practices above, is insufficient to maximally develop
students understanding of the Nature of Science (Lederman et al., 2001).
This research suggests that their classes must include explicit
instruction about NOS as part of the curriculum. By developing classrooms
in which students can both enact authentic practices followed by reading
case studies of scientists work with an emphasis on the perspectives on
NOS that they themselves engaged in, students will develop a nuanced
understanding of science practices and science claimsCand, hence, an
enhanced science literacy.
Apart from the advantages for developing enhanced science literacy within a school, this web site offers the opportunity for students to participate in conducting science projects with students in other parts of Canada in ways previously not possible. Other on-line collaboration tools exist, but science disciplines often construct knowledge claims based on data representable in tables and graphs and being able to collaboratively share these is a necessary part of collaborating in science inquiry. Through this site, students can share not just text, but also data which they can collaboratively analyze and discuss in "real time" using the chat and messaging tools. This extended community of practitioners better provides students the opportunity to not just improve their understandings of the practices of science, but to actually engage in activities which are more analogous to those used by scientists themselves so that an enhanced science literacy (as defined at the beginning by Hodson, 1999) develops. Thus, for students, science shifts from being just about "knowledge", to being also about shared and negotiated practices and social connections. The Journal site is hosted by a Canadian university and administered by researchers and graduate students who work in science education (unsurprisingly, some research is being conducted with and about the site). Teachers and their students can use the site without charge. This article represents a summary of ideas emerging both from my own work and from that of my friends and colleagues: J. Lawrence Bencze, Wolff-Michael Roth, Derek Hodson, Norman Lederman, Fouad Abd-El-Khalick, Heidi Carlone and Barbara Crawford. Teachers interested in an introduction to the sociology of science literature should consider first reading Collins & Pinch, 1998a which is a quite accessible introduction. |
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