Scientific Literacy, STS and Assessment: Lessons from TIMSS

Anthony W. Bartley
Faculty of Education, Lakehead University


Graham Orpwood
Faculty of Education, York University


An earlier version of this paper was presented at the NSTA National Convention, Orlando, Florida in April 2000.

Scientific literacy has been a significant emphasis in many of the recent science curriculum documents in North America (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993; National Research Council, 1996; Council of Ministers of Education, Canada [CMEC], 1997).Evolvingdefinitions of scientific literacy (DeBoer, 2000) show important structural differences. Instead of defining scientific literacy as merely ability to recall scientific facts (termed “functional scientific literacy” by Bybee, 1997), some have moved to examine the influence of science on personally relevant issues (Kolstø, 2001; Roth, 2003). This is consistent with a curriculum emphasis known as Science/Technology/Society (“STS,” Roberts, 1982) that focuses upon the social, political, and economic dimensions of science (Hughes, 2000). In this paper, we argue that assessments should embrace STS to support this broad definition of scientific literacy. We provide a specific example of an STS assessment item and discuss some issues encountered in its development and interpretation when used in the 1995 Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).

Recent moves towards performance assessment have opened new possibilities for assessing some of the “process skills” in science education (albeit some 30 years after they began to appear in curricula). However, in the last 20 years, more goals for developing a truly scientifically literate population have been added to science curricula. These focus not on science knowledge alone, nor even on science process skills, but on the application of scientific knowledge to real issues in society—issues that frequently include technology. Inclusion of STS in science curricula presents new challenges, especially in terms of designing effective and appropriate STS assessments.Orpwood (2001) argues little progress can be made towards implementing an STS emphasis in science curricula unless and until valid assessment tools are developed.

This paper examines one of the science items used in TIMSS that was designed to measure STS achievement. We use this example to raise questions about what STS education should comprise, what we want our students to achieve in the area of STS, and what sorts of STS assessment are needed in the future.

TIMSS in Brief

TIMSS is a large-scale international assessment of achievement in mathematics and science. It was first administered in 1995, but has since moved to a four-year cycle (1999, 2003, and 2007). The TIMSS tests were developed for use with three student populations:

  • Population 1: 8 and 9 year-olds
  • Population 2: 12 and 13 year-olds (mandatory for all participants)
  • Population 3: final year of high school (mathematic and science literacy, advanced mathematics and advanced physics, three distinct tests)

Over 40 countries chose to participate in population 2. Some, such as Canada, provided sub-samples at the provincial level, which enabled provinces to examine their students’ achievement.

The frameworks for describing the mathematics and science curriculum used in TIMSS were developed at the beginning of the study (Robitaille, Schmidt, Raizen, McKnight, Britton, & Nicol, 1993). Based upon curriculum statements from participating countries, the TIMSS framework was used to prepare and describe the test blueprints (Schmidt, McKnight, Valverde, Houang, & Wiley, 1997). Many possible items were submitted at the beginning of TIMSS; more were written specifically for the study. Selections of these were compiled and field-tested in most of the 45 participating countries. At the same time, national coordinators were invited to review the items for concurrence with their own curricula and for general suitability. Following the field trials, the TIMSS mathematics and science coordinators prepared final versions of the TIMSS tests, which were reviewed by a committee of subject matter specialists and by the TIMSS national coordinators. The final selection process took into account both the psychometric properties of the items based on the field tests and the results of the item reviews.


While STS appeared as a component in the TIMSS curriculum framework, it was not emphasized. When the test blueprint (based on the analysis of national curricula) was finalized, STS was subsumed into a category called “the nature of science” which itself constituted such a small aspect of the overall test that it was reported initially in combination with “environmental issues.” This illustrates that one barrier to visibility of STS was that many national curricula paid it scant attention and many national coordinators regarded some STS items as inappropriate. In an international study like TIMSS, it is difficult to insist that items of significance to a small number of countries – in this case, mostly the English-speaking countries – should be retained, when a majority of other countries do not support their use. Many items that could be regarded as STS items are culturally or nationally specific. Issues such as methods of energy production, effects of radiation, protection of wildlife, or methods for combating pollution are difficult to write in such a way that students from a wide variety of countries find them equally meaningful, let alone equally difficult. Even when “good” questions are prepared, it is hard to find international consensus on “good” answers. These are required if the scoring scheme is to be reliable.

What is an STS Item?

It is helpful to try and characterize a variety of items that might be considered “STS items.” To do this, we use a framework developed by Glen Aikenhead (1994; Keeves & Aikenhead, 1995) to describe a variety of STS curricula and the corresponding degree to which STS features in assessment. Aikenhead's framework has already proven useful in analyzing various science curricula (see Table 1).

Name of Category

Description of Category

Emphasis in Student Assessment



Motivation by sts content

Standard school science is taught, together with mention of sts content to make lessons more interesting

Students are not assessed on sts content

A Second Course in Mechanics. UK: McKenzie


Casual infusion of sts content

Standard school science is taught, together with a short study of sts content attached to the science topic. The sts content does not follow cohesive themes

Students are assessed mostly on pure science content and only superficially on sts content

SATIS. UK: Association of Science Education

Values in School Science. USA: Brinckerhoff

Consumer Science. USA: Burgess


Purposeful infusion of sts content

Standard school science is taught, together with a series of short studies of sts content integrated into science topics in order to explore systematically the sts content. The content forms cohesive themes

Students are assessed to some degree on their understanding of the sts content

Science and Social Issues. USA Welch

Science and Societal Issues. USA: Iowa State University

Science, Technology and Society USA: New York State Education


Single discipline through sts content

Sts content serves as an organizer for the science content and its sequence. The science content is selected from one science discipline

Students are assessed on their understanding of the sts content but not to the same degree as on the pure science content

Project Physics. USA, Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Light Sources. The Netherlands: PLON

Science and Society Teaching Units: Canada: OISE


Science through sts content

Sts content serves as an organizer of science content and its sequence. The science content is multidisciplinary

Students are assessed on their understanding of sts content but not as extensively as they are on the pure science content

Logical Reasoning in Science and Technology. Canada: Wiley

Modular sts. USA: Wausau, WI

The Dutch Environmental Project. The Netherlands: NME-VO, University of Utrecht


Science along with sts content

Sts content is the focus of instruction. Relevant science content enriches the learning

Students are assessed equally on the sts and pure science content

Society, Environment and Energy Development Studies (SEEDS). USA:SRA

Science and Technology 11. Canada: BC Ministry of Education


Infusion of science into sts content

Sts content is the focus of the instruction. Relevant science content is mentioned but not systematically

Students are assessed primarily on the sts content and only partially on the pure science content

Science in a Social Context (SISCON). UK: Association for Science Education

Science, Technology & Society

Australia: Jacananda Press

Modular Courses in Technology. UK: Schools Council


Pure sts content

A major technology or societal issue is studied. Science content is mentioned but only to indicate an existing link to science

The students are not assessed on the pure science content to any appreciable degree

Science and Society. UK: Association for Science Education

Innovations: The Social Consequences of Science and Technology. USA: BSCS

Values and Biology: USA: Welch

Table 1.Range of Integration of STS and Science Content (Keeves and Aikenhead, 1995)

For example, Jasper (1998) used this framework to analyze what Roberts (1998) described as the “curriculum policy images” held by Alberta teachers – their interpretations of STS in a mandated provincial curriculum . Aikenhead’s framework, useful in analysis of curriculum materials and policy documents, might also be useful for comparing assessments. It could be applied to an examination, the range of assessments used by a teacher in the course of teaching, or a collection of assessment items. For example, selected TIMSS science literacy items (Retrieved from are categorized by the authors into Aikenhead's levels—see Table 2 below.


Aikenhead Level


A1. Nuclear energy can be generated by fission or fusion. Fusion is not currently being used in reactors as an energy source. Why is this?

  • The scientific principles on which fusion is based are not yet known.
  • The technological processes for using fusion safely are not developed.
  • The necessary raw materials are not readily available.
  • Waste products from the fusion process are too dangerous.


The STS topic –generation of nuclear energy- is the focus of the assessment.

A7. Some high-heeled shoes are claimed to damage floors. The base diameter these very high heels is about 0.5 cm and of ordinary heels about 3 cm.

Briefly explain why the very high heels may cause damage to floors.


The topic being assessed is a "purely" scientific one – the difference between force and pressure – though the item is presented in an sts context

Table 2: Categorization of Selected TIMSS Items Using the Aikenhead Framework

If such a profile were to be constructed for the overall TIMSS item pool, we predict that over 95% of the items would fall into level 1 of the framework (or even level 0 – if this were added for items with no STS aspects). The frustrations of some TIMSS critics such as Fensham (1998), who remarked that he found many of the items to be "boring,” may perhaps be explained by a lack of STS content.

A recent international assessment – the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) sponsored Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) – examined this issue. Its focus is “literacy,” interpreted as students’ ability to cope in real-life situations. The PISA item pool is not publicly available but, based on the program’s assessment framework (OECD, 1999), PISA should have a distinctly higher STS emphasis compared to TIMSS.

We turn now from general considerations of STS assessment to a specific account of one TIMSS item we call the “Bridge Question.”

The Case of the Bridge Question

The “Bridge Question” 1. was used for TIMSS Population 2 and the Population 3 Mathematics and Science Literacy study. Our analysis here begins with a discussion of the structure of the question’s STS content and moves on to a description of the TIMSS coding scheme together with comparative data from different jurisdictions including Ontario and Newfoundland

It takes 10 painters 2 years to paint a steel bridge from one end to the other. The paint that is used lasts about 2 years, so when the painters have finished painting at one end of the bridge, they go back to the other end and start painting again.

  • Why MUST steel bridges be painted?
  • A new paint that lasts 4 years has been developed and costs the same as the old paint. Describe 2 consequences of using the new paint.

Figure 1. The Bridge Question

The two parts of this question differ in their classification on Aikenhead’s schema. Part (a) is level 1 or 2: “why must steel bridges be painted?” We classified part (b) as level 7 or 8: “consequences of using the new paint.” We begin our discussion with consideration of part (a). However, since the STS content of part (b) is much greater, we shall give it more attention.

Part (a) Why paint steel bridges?

The TIMSS coding scheme for part (a) is shown in Figure 2. Coding schemes for extended response questions were designed to capture both the “correctness” of student responses (represented by the first digit of the scoring code—1 for correct, 7 for incorrect) and the variety of student responses (represented by the second digit, 9 to represent “other”). 2.



Correct Response


Explicitly refers to rusting or corrosion.


Other correct.

Incorrect Response


Mentions only aesthetic reasons.
Examples: It looks nicer.
It is ugly.
Cover up the rust so people won’t see it.


Refers to protecting or improving the bridge for reasons other than code 10 above:

Examples: The paint must be renewed.

It is a long time since it was painted.


Any combination of codes 70, 71.


Challenges the information in the question.

Example: You don't need to paint steel bridges.


Other incorrect.



Crossed out/erased, illegible, or impossible to interpret.



Figure 1. Codes for reason to paint

Overall 59%3. of 13 year-olds (Population 2) gave the correct response coded “10” relating to rusting or corrosion. Together with 4% giving other correct responses (code “19”), 63% of students internationally responded correctly. By country, correct responses ranged from 85% (England) to 16% (South Africa). The “incorrect” responses are interesting. In Japan and Korea, 25% of the students mentioned only esthetics, code “70.” Twenty-five percent is much higher than the international average of 5.5% for this response. We cannot explain this, as Korean students performed well on part (b). England, Japan and Korea did not participate in the Population 3 Literacy test.

Part (b) What are the Consequences of Using New Paint?

The TIMSS coding scheme for part (b) of the “Bridge Question” is shown in Figure 3. Coding guidelines are shown as notes following the figure.




Correct Response


Student includes the fact that there is more profit for the painting company or the community.
Examples: It is cheaper for the company.

Less painters are needed.

They can paint more bridges.


The painters don't need to paint so often or work so hard.

Examples: They can wait two years before starting again.

Longer vacations for the workers.

They can have another job in the meantime.


Mentions increased unemployment or lower salary for the workers.


Other correct.

Example: Fewer problems for the traffic.

Incorrect Response


The paint will last for a longer time.


Merely repeats information in the stem.

Examples: It will last for four years.

It will cost the same.


Other incorrect.



Crossed out/erased, illegible, or impossible to interpret.



Notes: Each of the two consequences must be coded separately. The same code can be used twice. However, if the consequences described are essentially the same, the second should be coded as 79.


  • They don’t need to go back and start again (code 11).
  • They can wait before they start painting again (code 79).
  • Correct responses should be plausible in the national context.

Figure 3. Coding for consequences of using new paint

The three specified correct responses represent distinct consequences of using the new paint. Code “10” focuses upon increased profits for companies or communities as a consequence of less frequent painting—an economics-driven view of the problem. Codes “11” and “12” focus upon the impact upon the workers. In code “11,” the effects are couched in terms of improvements in the workers’ lives, a social perspective that is generally seen as positive. Responses classified as code “12” also take account of the workers’ perspective and represent both economic and social viewpoints, but with negative consequences for the workers: lower salaries, more layoffs and unemployment. Code “19” was used for other locally determined “correct” responses, for example that may relate to employment insurance payments. We now move on to a discussion of how students from around the world responded to these questions.

Population 2 (13 year-olds) Key Results 4.

  • Internationally, 42% of students were given credit for one reason, and 27% for two reasons.
  • The range for one correct response was 4% (South Africa) to 73% (Korea). These countries were also at the extremes for two correct reasons, 3% and 62%.
  • Most common correct response internationally was that using new paint would have a positive impact on workers (code “11”) with 32% overall.
  • Internationally, a greater percentage (26%) of responses identified profit, code “10,” than negative consequences for the workers, code “12” (6%).
  • Only two jurisdictions in the world gave code “12,” negative impacts on workers, most frequently: the Canadian provinces of Newfoundland (30%) and Ontario (19%).
  • In two countries, benefits to workers (code “11”) were the most frequent responses: Slovenia (66%) and New Zealand (64%).

Population 3 (End of High School, Science Literacy) Key Results

  • Internationally, 64% of students were given credit for one reason, and 45% for two reasons.
  • There were two frequent responses. Code “10” was identified in 50% of responses, while code “11” was given in 37%.
  • In two countries, Canada and the United States, negative impact (code “12”) was coded more often than profit (code “10”).
  • For Canadian students (46%) and for USA students (30%), the most frequent response was code “12”—negative impact.
  • Within Canada, 53% of Newfoundland students and 50% of New Brunswick students identified this negative consequence (code “12”).
  • Slovenian (65%) and New Zealand (64%) students were the most likely to identify benefits for workers (code “11”).

We now move to a discussion of some distinctly Canadian results for this question.


Earlier in this paper we stated that STS content is at the core of part (b) of the “Bridge Question.” The TIMSS coding categories emphasize profit (code “10”), painters working less (code “11”) and unemployment or lower salaries (code “12”). These concerns do not conform to what traditionally has been called science content. However, the impact of a change in technology upon society is very much part of an STS perspective on science content.

Our first discussion theme is the nature of the differences between the responses from Population 2 and Population 3. In general, older students were more successful in answering the “Bridge Question.” However, the emphasis of older students’ responses was also different (see Table 3).

Population 2

Population 3

Most frequent correct  response

Code “11” (32%)

Positive impact for workers

Code “10” (50%)

More profit

Code “10” (26%)

More profit

Code “11” (37%)

Positive impact for workers

Least frequent correct  response

Code “12” (6%)

Negative impact for workers

Code “12” (18%)

Negative impact for workers

Table 3. Frequency of Correct Responses to Part (b) in Population 2 and Population 3 (aggregate international results)

Overall, older students gave more correct answers but the figures demonstrate a change in emphasis. Older students appear more likely to consider economic impacts as demonstrated by the increased frequency of responses coded “10” and “12” (e.g. code “10” responses increased from 26% to 50%).

This brings us to our second theme. The economic and social context in which TIMSS was written, and increasing awareness of economic issues among older students, may be partly responsible for responses coded “10” and “12.” Particularly interesting are Canadian responses predicting negative impacts. As Canadians, we have chosen to examine the apparently anomalous results within our country. Of all Population 2 groups around the world, only students in the provinces of Newfoundland and Ontario identified negative consequences for workers more frequently than other impacts of using the new paint. Let us examine these results in the broader economic and social context of the time.

In Newfoundland, for four years prior to TIMSS, the unemployment rate was over 25%. This is attributed to the decline and effective closure of the cod fishery and the subsequent expansion of a crab fishery (see Table 4). Reductions in income and changes in working practices leading to increased unemployment are phenomena overly familiar to all Newfoundlanders and were part of the life experience of the students who participated in TIMSS.


Value of Cod Fishery ($CAD)

Value of Crab Fishery ($CAD)

Total Value of Fishery


$171 million

$7 million

$599 million


$120 million

$10 million

$266 million


$2 million

$89 million

$225 million

Table 4. Values of Selected Fisheries in Newfoundland (Source: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada).

Ontario has been Canada’s most affluent province. However, during the years immediately preceding TIMSS there were major declines in the manufacturing sector followed by a period of government restraint. According to the Ontario Ministry of Finance, unemployment rates doubled from 5% in 1989 to 10% in 1994, the year before TIMSS, with a large reduction4. in the number of people employed in manufacturing industries. At the time of the assessment, there was intense public debate about the impact of North American Free Trade upon (un)employment in Ontario and Canada.

We speculate that there were, in both Newfoundland and Ontario, some parallels to the bridge scenario. Students aware of negative consequences for workers associated with the introduction of new technologies might be more likely to give code “12” responses.

Finally, it was surprising to many, including the authors, that results from Ontario and Newfoundland should be anomalous while the vast majority of students in the world believed new technologies would have mainly benign social impacts. Internationally, 87% of all responses were coded “10” or “11.” Although some may view such “benign” responses as somewhat naïve, it is interesting that students from English speaking countries (with the exception of New Zealand) were least likely to have responses coded as “10” or “11.” These are the same countries where STS has been emphasized in recent years.

Reflections on STS Assessment

Several issues emerged from the results of the TIMSS “Bridge Question,” raising further questions for science educators.

What should be the scope of STS in science education? If STS means that students should learn science in a broad social context, we would argue that this broader context should include social, economic, technological, political, and environmental aspects. The TIMSS results suggest, and many STS materials confirm, that STS often refers to the social and environmental impacts of science and technology—these being most familiar to teachers—while technological and economic impacts are given less emphasis.

What Counts as STS Assessment? Science educators must match STS curricula with appropriate assessment. As performance tasks with hands-on investigations are now used to assess the inquiry skills that are part of science education, so new forms of assessment with tasks and questions drawn from the real world need to be incorporated into STS assessments at classroom, local, national and international levels.

Part of the challenge in developing such assessments is the variety of contexts in which students live and the variations of “right answer” that frequently are apparent in real-world situations. At stake here is not so much the definition of “right answer” but rather how to enable students (and teachers) to consider feasible solutions to real problems. Reliability concerns have caused some psychometricians to feel uncomfortable. More work in this area would be worthwhile.

How do students’ contexts affect their responses? Responses to items like the “Bridge Question” show that students draw on their personal experience and social context. This is appropriate, but presents problems for scoring. In TIMSS, local scoring teams were instructed to use their own judgement concerning what “made sense” in their national context. For example, in a country with provisions for guaranteed employment, consequences for the painters might be very different from one in which there were no such provisions. Such differences need to be taken into account by all involved in test development and use (Bartley, 1995).


What should science educators do next? In these days of rigorous assessment being demanded by policymakers and parents, failure to address the needs of STS assessment will result in the continued marginalization of STS. If we believe that a scientifically literate person is one who not only knows science and knows how to do science but also can relate science to technology and the world outside of school, then to improve science literacy we must include STS in both our instruction and in our assessment. We must convince those with more limited views about what counts as science education that an STS emphasis is indeed important and should be included in all science assessments. We need to develop more examples of STS assessment. And we need to conduct further discussion, research and development in this area.


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Bartley, A. W. (1995). A framework for validation enquiry of performance assessments in science. Unpublished doctoral dissertation from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

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Robitaille, D. F., Schmidt, W. H., Raizen, S., McKnight, C., Britton, E., & Nicol, C. (1993). Curriculum frameworks for mathematics and science. Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press.

Roth, M. (2003). Scientific literacy as an emergent feature of collective human praxis. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 35(1), 9-23. Retrieved March 17, 2005 from

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1           The original version of this question was written for timss by one of the authors (AB) and derives from a real-world context. The Forth Bridge in Scotland used to occupy twenty-four painters painting on a continuous twelve-year cycle to keep the entire structure covered with five coats of paint. The vastness of the endeavour was so well known that “painting the Forth Bridge” became a metaphor (in the UK) for an endless task (Petroski, 1995, p. 381).

2         For more information the TIMSS coding system, see Lie, Taylor, and Harmon (1996).

3         Data presented in this paper is taken directly from the appropriate TIMSS reports available at Averages presented here are means of all students responding to a question, or part of a question.

4         In describing the results, we combine the percentages of students citing any given reason as their first or second choice since duplicates were not given credit and no priority between reasons was called for. All TIMSS data are available from the TIMSS International Study Center, Boston College.

5          The Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, New Brunswick (English-speaking schools), and Newfoundland elected to sample at a level to enable provincial-level comparisons.

6         Numbers employed in manufacturing in Ontario: 1989 (1,022,000) — 1994 (901,000). Source: Ontario Ministry of Finance.