
An individual who is romantically, physically and/or sexually attracted to all genders, and for whom gender is noticed and plays a role in attraction.


The systematic subjugation of one social group by a more powerful social group for the social, economic and political benefit of the more powerful social group.


Deliberate or accidental sharing another person's gender identity or sexual identity, without their explicit consent. Outing is disrespectful, and can be dangerous for some 2SLGBTQIA+ people.


An individual who is romantically, physically and/or sexually attracted to all genders, and for whom gender is not noticed.


With sexuality, passing is the act of presenting as straight. With gender, passing is the act of presenting as cisgender or gender-typical, generally accomplished through conforming to gender roles. 2SLGBTQIA+ people may try to pass in environments that could otherwise be unsafe for them, and the act is a matter of choice to try to pass or not for individuals.


An historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and oppression in which those assigned male, or those exhibiting characteristics that have been assigned male, hold ultimate authority and privilege central to social organization, occupying roles of political leadership, moral authority and control of property. 

People of Colour

A term for referring to non-white racial groups. The term is a way to describe people with their own attributes as opposed to what they are not, and provides a unifying framework across different racialized groups that are non-white. However, it is also important to identify people or groups by their specific identities where possible.

Poisoned Environment

A poisoned environment is created by comments or conduct (including comments or conduct that are condoned or allowed to continue when brought to the attention of management) that create a discriminatory work environment. The comments or conduct need not be directed at a specific person, and may be from any person, regardless of position or status. A single comment or action, if sufficiently serious, may create a poisoned environment.


People with a desire for multiple and simultaneous intimate relationships, with consent and transparency as key components of those relationships. Also referred to as ethically non-monogamous, polya or polyam.


This concept can be conceptualized in several ways: power over other groups or people; the ability to influence others and impose your beliefs on them; the ability to name, define, set and/or change rules, standards and policies; the ability to influence decision makers in charge of rules, standards and policies. All power is relational, and power relationships can disrupt or reinforce each other. Power can be used in negative ways and/or with intention, but people can also unintentionally benefit from the power they hold.


A prejudgement, or a negative and unjustifiable attitude held towards an individual or group towards another group and its members. Prejudices are often based on stereotypes or generalizations that do not treat people as individuals.


Unearned benefits—often unconscious or taken for granted—afforded to a particular population in society, based on that society's norms. There are multiple types of privilege, including but not limited to racial privilege, economic privilege and gender privilege.


Words used to refer to a person, other than their name. For those who use pronouns, they are essential, not preferred. Common pronouns include they/them, she/her and he/him. Some people use neopronouns like xe/xem or ze/zir—these are created to be specifically gender neutral. 

Puberty Blockers

Also referred to as hormone blockers, these medications are a form of gender-affirming medical care allowing young trans and gender-expansive people to delay or prevent the potential harms of experiencing a puberty that does not match their gender identity.