DELF Examination Dates


Here is the schedule for the March 2025 DELF Tout Public examination sessions (including the DELF B2 Tout Public required by Memorial University’s Faculty of Education and the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District).

The Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of Memorial University will be offering the  DELF Tout Public examinations in November 2024 . This examination session is open to the public. NL Schools and Memorial University's Faculty of Education require the DELF B2 Tout Public level. The exams will take place on Memorial University St. John's campus in SN 4030.

The DELF Centre of Memorial University will also endeavor to accommodate candidates in various locations across the province. The required 12:30 pm arrival time is for a 1:00 pm start time.

Wednesday March 5th   2025              12:30 pm for a 1 pm start   DELF TP B1 Exam

Thursday March 6th    2025               12:30 pm for a 1 pm start   DELF TP B2 Exam

The DELF Centre will schedule the oral production section of the DELF exam in consultation with the candidates.
The fee for the DELF B1 and B2 exam is $195.00

Candidates should go to the following link to submit a registration form and pay the exam fee:



For further information and to arrange an exam outside Grenfell campus or  St. John's campus please contact: 



Useful links for examination preparation

Additional resources

abc DELF (CLE international) A1 A2 B1 and B2

Didier Français Langue etrangère

Préparation à l'examen du DELF A1 A2 B1 or B2 (Hachette)