
Mouseion welcomes submissions in French and English in all areas of Classics. Manuscripts submitted for consideration should include an abstract of approximately 100 words. Documents should be submitted electronically to in .doc format. Correspondence by regular mail, including books for review, may be sent to:

Department of Classics
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL
A1C 5S7

Notes to Contributors

1. Citation of secondary sources should use the author-date format, consistently placed in footnotes:

Dodds 1951: 102-134. [not 102ff.]

2. All works cited should be listed in a bibliography using the following forms:

Dodds, E.R. 1951. The Greeks and the Irrational. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Sandbach, F. 1962. "Some problems in Propertius," CQ n.s. 12: 273-274.
Nehemas, A. 1987. "Writer, Text, Work, Author," in A.J. Cascardi (ed.), Literature and the Question of Philosophy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 265-291.
Eph'al, I. and J. Naveh. 1989. "Hazael's Booty Inscriptions," IEJ 39: 192-200.
Graf, F. 1997. Magic in the Ancient World. Tr. F. Philip. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
Taylor, L.R. 1963. "Was Tiberius Gracchus' Last Assembly Electoral or Legislative?," Athenaeum 41: 51-69.
------ 1966a. Roman Voting Assemblies. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
------ 1966b. "Appian and Plutarch on Tiberius Gracchus' Last Assembly," Athenaeum 44: 238-250.
Easterling, P.E. (ed.). 1997. The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

3. Abbreviations of names of periodicals should in general follow l'Année Philologique. [Click here for a guide]

4. References to these standard works should follow the forms:

Ehrenberg, RE 3A.2 1373-1453
IG ii2 1622
CIL 4.789
TLL 2.44.193

5. Citations of ancient authors should take the following form:

Pl. Symp. 175d3-5 [not Plato, Symposium 175d]
Tac. Ann. 2.6.4 [not Tacitus, Annales (or Annals) II.6]

Abbreviations of names of Greek and Latin authors and works should in general follow the most recent edition of the Oxford Classical Dictionary.

6. Contributors should provide translations of all Latin and Greek, apart from single words or short phrases.

7. Most period designations should be lower-cased, e.g. ancient Greece, late antiquity. Archaeological and historical periods, however, should be capitalized, e.g. Bronze Age, Augustan era. Terms such as "classical" or "archaic" are only capitalized when referring to the archaeological or historical period, e.g. Archaic period vs. classical sculpture.

8. The number of centuries or millennia should be written in full, e.g. fourth century BC, as should all numerical dates, e.g. AD 12 – 16.

9. When a term such as chapter or appendix is given as the title of a subsection of a work, it should be capitalized, e.g. "in Chapter 1" vs. "in this chapter."

10. Greek text should use New Athena Unicode.

11. Once an article has been accepted, illustrative material, such as tables, diagrams and maps, will need to be submitted by the author in camera-ready form. The journal will bear the cost of publishing up to six plates/illustrations per article; fees will be charged for plates/illustrations beyond this number. The cost of the additional half-page plates/ illustrations is $12 each, of the additional full-page plates/illustrations $20 each.

12. Authors of articles receive 20 offprints free of charge; authors of reviews receive 10 offprints free of charge. Additional offprints can be ordered at a modest cost.