Featured Resources

Last updated: December 23, 2024

These featured resources are curated to help with your instructional needs. Some of the resources provide links to additional resources for those wanting to learn more. 

For instructors

Looking for a specific CITL service? Explore our Service Guide for Instructors, or request a consultation. 

General information

Generative AI and your teaching

Assessment and evaluation

Delivery methods


Documenting teaching effectiveness

Communities of practice

Help with Brightspace

More professional learning opportunities

For students

The Academic Success Centre has a growing library of learning skills resources that can help guide students from the first day of class to the last day of the semester, and beyond. And the Writing Centre provides writing-related help to Memorial undergraduate and graduate students in any subject, discipline, program or faculty. Here are some resources from both centres that you can share to help students have a successful semester. 

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Learning strategies

Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL)

For learners in online courses

Managing time

Tests and exams

Staying connected

Writing for academic success

Additional services for graduate students