Update on support for transitioning to remote instruction
Beginning Thursday, March 19, our Remote Instruction Transition Team (RITT) will be available remotely only through the Instructional Continuity webpage.
The decision to close the RITT on-campus location after 4 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18, and move to a remote-only modality was made to help ensure the health and wellbeing of CITL staff and the Memorial University community.
As of Thursday, March 19 at 9 a.m., the RITT will be available remotely to provide instructors with one-on-one support to move instruction to remote delivery, as well as consult on alternate forms of assessment.
The RITT hours of operation have also been extended into the weekend of March 21-22 and beyond in order to respond to instructor needs in completing the winter 2020 semester.
Any updates related to RITT hours of operation will be communicated on the Instructional Continuity webpage.
Please continue to monitor Memorial's COVID-19 website for current institutional information and updates.