Functionality: ★★★
- Scale:★★★
- Works Well. The tool can accommodate as many participants as possible. The general class is usually called a 'group'. Also, subgroups can be created by creating topics under a group and sharing a unique join code to a particular set of participants to restrict access to the subgroup.
- Ease of Use:★★★
- Works Well. The tool has an easy-to-navigate interface with extensive support information to help the user.
- Tech Support/Help Availability (for Instructors):★★☆
- Minor Concerns. Minor Concern: No campus-wide technical support is available.
- Tech Support/Help Availability (for Students):★★☆
- Minor Concerns. Minor Concern: No campus-wide technical support is available.
- Hypermediality :★★★
- Works Well. This tool allows instructors and students to communicate via audio, video, text, and emojis.
Accessibility: ★★★
- Accessibility Standards:★★★
- Works Well. Options like closed-captioning, Immersive Reader, student-generated transcripts, text with video, voice-over and screen reader technology, navigation by keyboard, changeable font styles and sizes are in place to accommodate all kinds of users.
- User-focused participation:★★★
- Works Well. The tool has a variety of adaptive options to accommodate a diverse group of users.
- Required Equipment:★★★
- Works Well. Specialized equipment is not required to use the tool.
Technical: ★★★
- Integration/Embedding within a Learning Management System (LMS) :★★★
- Works Well. The tool can be embedded as an object into an LMS via HTML code, and the functionality of the tool is maintained.
- Operating Systems:★★★
- Works Well. Users with any up-to-date operating system can use the tool effectively.
- Web Browser:★★★
- Works Well. Users with any up-to-date web browser can utilize the tool effectively.
- Additional Technical Requirements:★★★
- Works Well. There is no need to download additional software or browser extensions to effectively use the tool.
Mobile Design: ★★☆
- Access:★★★
- Works Well. The tool is available for use on Android and iOS.
- Functionality:★★☆
- Minor Concerns. Core features of the main tool are functional on the mobile app, but most mobile users complain of some technical glitches which are not reported by desktop users.
- Offline Access:★☆☆
- Serious Concerns. The tool does not work without the internet.
Usage and Account Set Up: ★★☆
- Sign Up/Sign In:★☆☆
- Serious Concerns. Users must create an account with Flipgrid, and their work email is preferred to set up the account.
- Cost of Use:★★★
- Works Well. The tool is available free of charge.
- Archiving, Saving, and Exporting Data :★★☆
- Minor Concerns. Archiving, saving, importing, and exporting content is possible but may be limited in that content might not be shared in a different format from which it was created or uploaded.
- Data Privacy and Ownership:★★★
- Works Well. Content creators (instructors) have the right of ownership of their content and can determine who will be able to see the content.
Social Presence: ★★☆
- Collaboration :★★☆
- Minor Concerns. The tool has the capacity to support a community of learning through asynchronous but not synchronous opportunities for communication, interactivity, and transfer of meaning between users.
- User Accountability:★★☆
- Minor Concerns. Instructors cannot control learner anonymity because any student (or a member of a group) who has the unique access code to a topic may share it with other people. However, since all users must sign up with their email addresses, there could be a solution for holding learners accountable for their actions.
- Diffusion:★★☆
- Minor Concerns. Learners' familiarity with the tool is likely mixed. It is not very popular like other trendy tools.
Teaching Presence: ★★☆
- Facilitation:★☆☆
- Serious Concerns. Content is shared asynchronously, and the instructor might not be present with learners to monitor, manage or engage them in an activity.
- Customization:★★☆
- Minor Concerns. Customization of the tool is largely dependent on the type of content.
- Learning Analytics:★★★
- Works Well. Content shared by learners can be used to assess or monitor their performance.
Cognitive Presence: ★★☆
- Enhancement of Cognitive Task(s):★★☆
- Minor Concerns. The tool enables functional improvement to engagement in the targeted cognitive task(s), however, this can also be achieved through Brightspace, independent of this tool.
- Higher Order Thinking:★★☆
- Minor Concerns. The tool may engage learners in higher-order thinking skills (given significant consideration to design, facilitation, and direction from the instructor), depending on the efforts of the instructor.
- Feedback on Learning:★★★
- Works Well.