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What is it?

Assessment tools provide a way to test the knowledge of students to ensure they are meeting the course outcomes or objectives.

NameWhat is it?
Quizzes (Brightspace)Quizzes is a tool that allows you to offer assessments to your students through Brightspace.  You can create a number of types of questions for assessment: True or False (T/F) Multiple Choice (M/C) Multi-Select (M-S) Written Response (WR) Short Answer (SA) Multi-Short Answer (MSA) Fill in the Blanks (FIB) Matching (MAT) Ordering (ORD) Arithmetic (2+2) Significant Figures (x10)
Video AssignmentsVideo Assignments give you the flexibility to incorporate new types of assessments into your courses, such as real-world simulations, role-play scenarios, debates, peer reviews, and other creative ways to evaluate your students. After an individual completes a video exercise, they submit their recording for personalized coaching and feedback from their instructor and peers.
Assignments (Brightspace)The Assignments tool in Brightspace allows you to provide assessments, collect files, and grade and provide feedback to students.
Gradient*Gradient by Gradecam is a grading tool, designed to ease instructors' workload and speed up grading. It has auto-grading and text-recognition features, and summarizes student performance on various assignments, projects, and questions.
Crowdmark*Crowdmark is a web-based platform for collaborative grading and analytics in education. It streamlines the assessment of assignments and exams by allowing multiple graders to evaluate digital submissions simultaneously. The platform also provides insightful analytics to aid educators in understanding student performance, and its integration with learning management systems makes it a versatile tool for modern assessment needs.
PrairieLearn*PrairieLearn is an online problem-driven learning system for creating homework and tests. It allows questions to be written using arbitrary HTML, JavaScript, and Python, thus enabling very powerful questions that can randomize and auto-grade themselves and can access client- and server-side libraries to handle tasks such as graphical drawing, symbolic algebra, and student code compilation and execution.

* An asterisk indicates a third-party tool that is not supported by the university. For information on using third-party tools, please click here. To view the complete list of technologies supported by CITL, visit our Technology Resources page.