How do I request a transcript?
The Office of the Registrar is responsible for transcripts and information about requesting transcripts can be found on their page.
Importantly, in order to log into Memorial's Self-Service, you must have a MUN Login ID and an up to date password.
If you have never used self-service and you have a student number before 2004, you may see an error when you try to access self service. Your browser may tell you that there have been too many redirects or a general "An error has occurred" message. Please contact the service desk to request the fix for this.
The provider of transcripts, MyCreds, requires verification of your identity via your Memorial Univeristy email. Please check that your email is working correcty by going to Memorial Webmail and logging in with your MUN Login ID and password. If you have never used your MUN email, or if it has been a decade of more since you last used your email, you could get the error "This mailbox is not enabled." Please contact the service desk to have the mailbox enabled.