Mobile devices

To order a new mobility device, submit the order and approval form to FUEL Mobile. FUEL Mobile can provide a list of supported devices, pricing, mobility plans, and accessories.

Once you receive your new mobility device, contact FUEL Mobile to request that the device be activated. Ensure that you know your MUN Login account credentials if you require assistance.

Travel plans

When travelling outside the country travel/roaming plans can be used to minimize usage charges. Please contact FUEL Mobile to request the addition of a travel plan or to obtain a list of current packages, plans and pricing.

Warranty and Repair

Contact FUEL Mobile to request assistance with troubleshooting and/or repairs. FUEL Mobile can assist with determining your current warranty coverage or status. FUEL Mobile will also assist with repair service and/or estimates, shipping of device, etc.


Memorial has contracted FUEL Mobile to provide mobility management services to mobile users at the St. John’s campus, Marine Institute, and Grenfell Campus.


FUEL Mobile
Tel: 1-866-570-0505